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Will the EDL ever become a political party?

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what you obviously want is people to simplyfy things to the point of nothingness, whereas what i want, if somebody is going to use it as a yardstick, at least know what the definition is, how its marked out. you cant use something in an arguement and then know nothing about it surely?


now again ill ask


what makes a foriegn import such as fish and chips ok to be classed as british but another one such as a burka or sharia law in a few centuries time absolutely not?


there must be a clear reason why? surely?


as i said im interested in this notion of britishness and where it comes from, who defines it and what makes it so


Of course there is a clear reason why. Things work there way into another culture because they're almost universally liked. Think fish and chips, tea, coffee, curry, chocolate etc.


Burkas and Sharia Law are not universally liked, in fact many find them offensive to our culture, for many different reasons.


But you are correct, give it a couple of centuries, burkas might be compulsory, sharia courts might be the only courts. But what's to dislike if these cultural influences are completely innocuous, I'm sure it would be just lovely, like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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Well you seem to be making an issue of it!



This is where you're going wrong. The fact that we have adopted foreign influences doesn't oblige us to welcome all foreign influence with open arms. We have Spanish tapas restaurants, does that mean we should welcome bull fighting? We have vodka bars in town, but do we have to invite the Russian mafia? We have many American influences, but that doesn't make the KKK welcome here? Many people find French delicacy fois gras deeply offensive, even though we are generally very welcoming to most other things French.


People have some legitimate issues with immigration, with Islam etc, it's ridiculous to suggest they should be muted simply because they consume fish and chips on a Friday lunch and a curry on a Saturday night.


Doesn't matter what the EDL eat..they're as offensive as the KKK or the Mafia. Those in the KKK or Mafia would likely disagree with me though.

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In all seriousness, you can't see any problems with any of that statement?


A further question, are the sentiments of that statement represented by the actions of the EDL in public?



Max hasn't the ability to read it as cynical B*** ****. He does have the knack of producing it though.

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none of that is the point, the issue is some people......like yourself have used it as a battering ram, to get a point across against certain immigrants and islam in general coming into the uk

its proved to be a load of crap, now your crying, the arguement doesnt stand up to scrutiny


Go on then, where have I used Brit culture as a "battering ram"?


People have legitimate concerns about immigration. People are not obliged to like Islam either. Both perfectly reasonable. Neither makes a person a swivel eyed loon as you like to caricature them.


I can see you're trying to de-legitimise any negative opinion of either immigration or Islam, simply by reference to past acceptance of anything that might have foreign origins. I think you'll have to come up with a more compelling argument than fish and chips to pull the wool over our eyes.

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Go on then, where have I used Brit culture as a "battering ram"?


People have legitimate concerns about immigration. People are not obliged to like Islam either.


I can see you're trying to de-legitimise any negative opinion of either immigration or Islam, simply by reference to past acceptance of anything that might have foreign origins. I think you'll have to come up with a more compelling argument than fish and chips to pull the wool over our eyes.

so youve never used the term "british culture" in a debate? i think you probably have, without going through your posts

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so youve never used the term "british culture" in a debate? i think you probably have, without going through your posts


I don't recall using it, but what if I have, why shouldn't I talk about my own culture, like it's some dirty secret to be ashamed of?

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