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Will the EDL ever become a political party?

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Why is it better here if not for our culture?


Why do people not head to Pakistan for a better life? Is their culture inferior?


Quality of life is totally different to culture, an example being that I enjoy a good quality of life but I achieve this without munching bacon sarnies which to me are a part of British culture.

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I think you mistake culture for quality of life


If you don't think culture is a massive factor in quality of life then I feel sorry for you.


A pals uncle earned fortunes working out on the rigs in Saudi for 8 months in every 12. Didn't make him happy, his quality of life was awful because of their vile culture (which as it is so appalling made it impossible to bring his family with him). He made his money over a decade and now is happy enough but to suggest he could settle in KSA and enjoy better quality of life just becasue he was earning loads is plain wrong.

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Some things I think are wrong with their mission statement.

However mostly there raison d etre seems to be the destruction of sharia law which I broadly agree with, however the focus on that

seems to completely miss the point that its not law in this country.


There is a lot to be said for helping 'victims' of sharia law know that they don't have to tolerate those rules and they can go to the police.

but in general its very much a demonising rant with absolutely no solutions suggested.

I'd be more open to the cause if the EDL was simply saying 'shop a sharia' without the rasist overtones.

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