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Will the EDL ever become a political party?

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I personally think they're all idiots, the EDL(the racists), the Muslims(the religious) and the soldiers(the abused). This is not a view that is appreciated by many as it is quite contrary to all three groups beliefs. But like them I'm entitled to my beliefs/views and my say for the simple reason I was lucky enough to be born on this little island.

Furthermore I would defend all of our rights to hold our misguided points of view

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If you don't think culture is a massive factor in quality of life then I feel sorry for you.


A pals uncle earned fortunes working out on the rigs in Saudi for 8 months in every 12. Didn't make him happy, his quality of life was awful because of their vile culture (which as it is so appalling made it impossible to bring his family with him). He made his money over a decade and now is happy enough but to suggest he could settle in KSA and enjoy better quality of life just becasue he was earning loads is plain wrong.


They do appear to equate wealth with happiness, and your excellent example demonstrates how wrong they are.

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I personally think they're all idiots, the EDL(the racists), the Muslims(the religious) and the soldiers(the abused). This is not a view that is appreciated by many as it is quite contrary to all three groups beliefs. But like them I'm entitled to my beliefs/views and my say for the simple reason I was lucky enough to be born on this little island.

Furthermore I would defend all of our rights to hold our misguided points of view


And what if others impose their beliefs on you and you don't want those beliefs?

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  • 3 years later...
  • 10 months later...
Heres a frank and honest view of a former EDL member & leader about how and why he joined, and why hes since changed his mind.




Sometimes hatred just blinds people until they get a chance to look at things objectively.


This is another interesting development from a guy who campaigned hate of Islam.




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Heres a frank and honest view of a former EDL member & leader about how and why he joined, and why hes since changed his mind.




That's a brilliant article and it really hammers home the point that a lot of right wingers and racists have decency in them and should be helped rather than sneered at for your own edification\virtue signalling.

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That's a brilliant article and it really hammers home the point that a lot of right wingers and racists have decency in them and should be helped rather than sneered at for your own edification\virtue signalling.

the trouble is you can only help people who want help, until that point its the usual merry go round

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Do you think shouting RACIST at people will make them more or less racist?

do you think posting sensible in depth fact filled posts on say here changes people?

No, because they dont want to change, believe me ive spent over 10 years trying.

At the end of the day they enjoy it, its their thing, their obsession, sometimes it takes one little thing to switch the switch like the guy in the article, trouble is i think the vast majority dont get the thing to help them change.

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