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Will the EDL ever become a political party?

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do you think posting sensible in depth fact filled posts on say here changes people?

No, because they dont want to change, believe me ive spent over 10 years trying.

At the end of the day they enjoy it, its their thing, their obsession, sometimes it takes one little thing to switch the switch like the guy in the article, trouble is i think the vast majority dont get the thing to help them change.


No. You post left wing, ill thought, poorly (if at all) researched posts and you get angry and call names when you dont or cant win your argument.

You use the word racist/racism so much that when you post it it has no meaning, no impact and no substance.


You wont refute this post. You will most likely get shirty and post something pointless.

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do you think posting sensible in depth fact filled posts on say here changes people?

No, because they dont want to change, believe me ive spent over 10 years trying.

At the end of the day they enjoy it, its their thing, their obsession, sometimes it takes one little thing to switch the switch like the guy in the article, trouble is i think the vast majority dont get the thing to help them change.

It was a simple question but you side stepped it.


Do you want to try again?


Do you think shouting RACIST makes people more or less racist?

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A group whose reason for existing is hating a particular (or several) group based on race, religion or sexuality.


As I remember it, the EDL was formed to fight against radical islam.

It may have changed over the years but as I recall that was its original aim and a very worthy aim i might add.

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As I remember it, the EDL was formed to fight against radical islam.

It may have changed over the years but as I recall that was its original aim and a very worthy aim i might add.


They are notoriously incompetent in making any distinction between radical and non radical Islam. Their support is falling rapidly. They lie all the time. They're a right bunch of tossers.

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They are notoriously incompetent in making any distinction between radical and non radical Islam.


Agreed but this does not mean they are a hate group


Their support is falling rapidly.

Agreed again but again this does not make them a hate group


They lie all the time.

What about? I don't follow them as close as yourself so If you don't mind educating me on this one id appreciate it.


They're a right bunch of tossers.

And again, this does not make them a hate group.

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As I remember it, the EDL was formed to fight against radical islam.

It may have changed over the years but as I recall that was its original aim and a very worthy aim i might add.


Very early on (just 3 months after they formed in fact)

they targeted a mosque in Harrow with protests, when it had no known links at all to radical Islam. It was at that point that I concluded that they just hated Muslims, and what I have seen since hasn't persuaded me to change my mind.

Edited by Bob Arctor
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