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Will the EDL ever become a political party?

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What cause?

Religion isn't going away. Islam isn't going away. There are no answers in daft marches and smashing up pubs.


You're fitting the EDL mentality. The self-delusion that you alone have the solution, but there is a Middle class-lefty conspiracy silencing you, or stopping you. That somehow, a march and a pi*ss up is stopping the spread of Islam.


March for a thousand miles, there will still be some headcase who thinks strapping himself up with a bomb and killing innocent people is a fast track to Paradise.


You have no answers.


False dichotomy. Stick it.

So, in effect, what you're saying is that although you see there is a problem, the EDL hasn't found the solution to it, so you're just going to ignore it because you have the opinion that it's too late to do anything about it? I never said I personally had any answers, you always have a lot to say mostly negative admittedly, I was asking you what your answer was? But it appears you don't have any either, other than to give in with a good grace and go along with whatever they want?


I admit, the more I read these pages on SF and look at the characters lined up against the EDL, see the reports in the media, and read both pro-Islam and anti-Islam sites online, the more I think we have to start supporting Tommy Robinson, if not the EDL, as he seems to be the only person in the country who has any idea at all what's going on with the Islamists.


It's come to something when you feel you have no recourse but to support an activist rabble against your elected Governments who, one after another, all seem hellbent on destroying what was probably at one time, the best country on earth.

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.....I think we have to start supporting Tommy Robinson, if not the EDL, as he seems to be the only person in the country who has any idea at all what's going on with the Islamists.


It's come to something when you feel you have no recourse but to support an activist rabble against your elected Governments who, one after another, all seem hellbent on destroying what was probably at one time, the best country on earth.


Lennon doesn't have a clue what's going on with the Islamists. Saying that he does is like saying Hitler knew what was going on with the Jews. Lennon makes up most of the stuff he spouts about Muslims. As for destroying things, he's broken enough of our laws in recent years and is due in court again soon charged with mortgage fraud. He's so proud to defend British ways but he already has convictions including attacking the police and breaching our immigration laws. People like you can't see the contradiction of supporting a criminal who breaks British laws in order to defend the British way of life.

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Lennon doesn't have a clue what's going on with the Islamists. Saying that he does is like saying Hitler knew what was going on with the Jews. Lennon makes up most of the stuff he spouts about Muslims. As for destroying things, he's broken enough of our laws in recent years and is due in court again soon charged with mortgage fraud. He's so proud to defend British ways but he already has convictions including attacking the police and breaching our immigration laws. People like you can't see the contradiction of supporting a criminal who breaks British laws in order to defend the British way of life.
Some people have voted in the same MPs they were moaning about defrauding the taxpayers over expenses, we've had Lords in the house, who've been in clink, and we idolise footballers and celebs who are drunks, beat up woman or have been arrested or done time for GBH. People can be imperfect and still have a cause they need to pursue.


As I said, if no-one everyone can respect is going to take up this fight, we have to go with what we have. Otherwise we're going to be right up the creek we're some way up already.


What makes me wonder about this, is that he's accused of being racist and a bigot, but when he asks why they think that, they have no answer, he's been the target of death threats and tweets but no-one's been arrested or charged over it, and he and his family are in such danger from violent headcases that he's been offered a new identity. All because he wants to preserve our culture?

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Some people have voted in the same MPs they were moaning about defrauding the taxpayers over expenses, we've had Lords in the house, who've been in clink, and we idolise footballers and celebs who are drunks, beat up woman or have been arrested or done time for GBH. People can be imperfect and still have a cause they need to pursue.


As I said, if no-one everyone can respect is going to take up this fight, we have to go with what we have. Otherwise we're going to be right up the creek we're some way up already.


What makes me wonder about this, is that he's accused of being racist and a bigot, but when he asks why they think that, they have no answer, he's been the target of death threats and tweets but no-one's been arrested or charged over it, and he and his family are in such danger from violent headcases that he's been offered a new identity. All because he wants to preserve our culture?


Footballers and celebs are irrelevant to this. They aren't elected and don't make laws and so the standard of behaviour expected of them is not the same as that expected of MPs. This is purely about MPs.


Some MPs have been forced to resign because of the expenses scandal. None that I know of has a criminal record to match Lennon's. None that I know of has as many false names as Lennon. If people re-elect them that is the public's choice. I don't see how Lennon can be preserving our culture by beating up the police, being a football hooligan and travelling on someone else's passport. Maybe you could itemise what aspects of our culture other than criminality it is that he is trying to preserve.

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So, in effect, what you're saying is that although you see there is a problem, the EDL hasn't found the solution to it, so you're just going to ignore it because you have the opinion that it's too late to do anything about it?

Nope ... I never said any such thing. You're fabricating things.

I was asking you what your answer was?

My answer to what? What's the question?

But it appears you don't have any either, other than to give in with a good grace and go along with whatever they want?

Are you asking me how I appear? What is this gibberish?

the more I think we have to start supporting Tommy Robinson, if not the EDL

You've been quite a vocal supporter before. This isn't something you are starting to arrive at.


Lennon is vastly ignorant, which is obvious to anyone. The man thought Salman Rushdie was murdered - which gives us a clue as to his brain power and research skills.

Edited by Chris_Sleeps
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Nope ... I never said any such thing. You're fabricating things.


My answer to what? What's the question?


Are you asking me how I appear? What is this gibberish?


Lennon is vastly ignorant, which is obvious to anyone. The man thought Salman Rushdie was murdered - which gives us a clue as to his brain power and research skills.

Maybe you should be a politician, you're slippery enough. You don't appear to be too stupid to follow a thread so why does it seem impossible for you to ever give a straight answer to anything?


It might give someone like you a clue, up in your ivory tower of vast intellect, but the rest of us mere mortals are possibly looking at other attributes. If I had to choose who I'd want to be watching my back, you, or LeMaquis say, or Tommy Robinson, let's say it wouldn't be either of the first two named. In a tight spot, you need a strong bloke you can rely on.

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Nope ... I never said any such thing. You're fabricating things.


My answer to what? What's the question?


Are you asking me how I appear? What is this gibberish?


You've been quite a vocal supporter before. This isn't something you are starting to arrive at.


Lennon is vastly ignorant, which is obvious to anyone. The man thought Salman Rushdie was murdered - which gives us a clue as to his brain power and research skills.

maybe salman was "murdered" with the muslamic rayguns? :suspect: for being a muslamic infidel

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You don't appear to be too stupid to follow a thread so why does it seem impossible for you to ever give a straight answer to anything?

Ask me a straight question then.

the rest of us mere mortals are possibly looking at other attributes. If I had to choose who I'd want to be watching my back

What are you on about?




Source for Salman Rushdie ignorance.

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Footballers and celebs are irrelevant to this. They aren't elected and don't make laws and so the standard of behaviour expected of them is not the same as that expected of MPs. This is purely about MPs.


Some MPs have been forced to resign because of the expenses scandal. None that I know of has a criminal record to match Lennon's. None that I know of has as many false names as Lennon. If people re-elect them that is the public's choice. I don't see how Lennon can be preserving our culture by beating up the police, being a football hooligan and travelling on someone else's passport. Maybe you could itemise what aspects of our culture other than criminality it is that he is trying to preserve.


What do you think of his conviction for headbutting a nazi for giving a sieg heil salute?

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