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Chav "culture", EDL/UAF etc blah blah blah

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A regular (if not wholly accurate) complaint on here is that it's just 'students' that make up the numbers of the UAF.


Not just students. The other usual Lefty suspects like the Socialist Workers Party, The Greenies, Occupy and Uncut are always alongside the students trying to force their very strange views on people. These people would protest at the opening of a window.

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Not just students. The other usual Lefty suspects like the Socialist Workers Party, The Greenies, Occupy and Uncut are always alongside the students trying to force their very strange views on people. These people would protest at the opening of a window.


Perhaps, but it beats protesting in your impotent rage on an internet forum about homeless people, big issues sellers and other "undesirables" doesn't it?

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WTF is wrong with a Big Issue seller? I always thought they were the most innoffensive of street sellers, they don't foist their wares on your like chuggers and most of them are happy to exchange a few pleasantries with you.

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Not just students. The other usual Lefty suspects like the Socialist Workers Party, The Greenies, Occupy and Uncut are always alongside the students trying to force their very strange views on people. These people would protest at the opening of a window.


It's a given that certain groups on the far left will protest about pretty much anything. However having seen up close what they were confronting on Saturday I must say that they would have validity in asking why those of us in the centre/right leaning centrists are so conspicuously absent in confronting violent hatred espoused in "our" name. In dangerous times perhaps there are some lessons we can learn from people we would not normally associate with rather than dismiss them too easily, and with much of the stuff they come out with they are often easily dismissable.

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I agree that they are inoffensive and trying to make the best of a bad situation.


Why should anyone who can afford too ,give to these people . ? Just because you can afford to give money dosnt mean you have too or should do. This is what annoys me about Big Issue sellers. They hold the arrogant view that everyone who can afford to buy one of their comics should do.


Penistone999 is the one with strange views I think.

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That's a very sad quote that... I'd have thought that anyone that can afford to give to "these people" would do so because they wanted to, which IME is overwhelmingly the case. I've never met one with the arrogant view that Penistone describes and I've seen a fair few on my travels up and down this country.

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Don't be so bloody silly, what are you basing that statement on as it's not my experience at all. Or are you just poking the hornets nest ?


Yesterday i spent the day in a very mixed crowd, the same mix that brought Sheffield to a standstill just a mile away, and i had the most wonderful time, as did those around me.


There are problems i admit, but i don't blame the people. Social policies have been a disaster in the last 20 years, which brings me back to the OP.


To quote John Lydon, "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated" ? :suspect:


I dream of revolution. ;)


Hundreds of EDL specimens rampaging through Sheffield shouting Yorkshire, but you think I'm being silly for suggesting they're racist ?

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