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Does Islam enrich the UK?

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Anyway, if this thread is anything to go by Islam certainly enriches the lives of some by giving them a lightning rod :roll:


But does it enrich us all? By example the olympics enriched the country as a whole, whether you watched them or not. Can the same be said for Islam to any degree?

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BELFAST, Northern Ireland — Several thousand Catholics and Protestants united in a silent protest Wednesday against the Irish Republican Army dissidents who have put Northern Ireland on edge — and its peace in doubt — with deadly attacks that have left three dead since the weekend.


More than 2,000 people gathered at lunchtime in front of Belfast City Hall to register their protest against Northern Ireland’s worst dissident IRA violence in a decade. Thousands more gathered in at least three other cities, including predominantly Catholic Londonderry and Newry, where dissidents have been active.




Very good, however there was also plenty of genuine heart felt condemnations of the brutal murder from Muslims in this country. So I fail to grasp your point especially as I didn't see any of my Roman Catholic friends or Irish friends standing on the rooftops making sure everyone knew they didn't approve. Which is the standard, or maybe double standard is more the appropriate term, that you demand from Muslims.

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A Islamic school was burnt last night= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2338391/Islamic-school-targeted-suspected-arson-attack.html?ito=feeds-newsxml where is the condemnation for that?

None of the Islamaphobes have even mentioned that, personally I think those looking for muslims to apologise for the actions of a couple of nutters can go and take a running jump....


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A muslim centre was burnt in Kent last night, where is the condemnation for that?

None of the Islamaphobes have even mentioned that, personally I think those looking for muslims to apologise for the actions of a couple of nutters can go and take a running jump....




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So if Islam is the ramblings of a madman, that would make everyone that follows his ideology as mad as he was.


I'm going to fall for that aren't I Smithy :suspect:


Come on man even you can do better than that.


I don't think I've missed any point have I - your changing the parameters of the discussion - I never said Mohammad wasn't involved in warfare - I said Islam doesn't contextually, textually teach death for blasphemers.


Any luck with that evidence otherwise yet?

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But does it enrich us all? By example the olympics enriched the country as a whole, whether you watched them or not. Can the same be said for Islam to any degree?


Does Judaism or Evangelism?

Yes the Olympics enriched our country but then the Olympics aren't a religion or faith.

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Isn't having sex with a child as young as 9 years old considered sexual abuse?


It is now in most parts of the world, it probably wasn't a couple of thousand years ago, and I haven't heard the story of Jesus having sex with a nine year old.

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It is, and usually used out of context.


The previous verses state that no one should kill any person and doing so is like killing all of mankind - your particular quote relates to those who have specifically waged war against Allah and Mohammad and seek to cause corruption - not merely those who have blasphemed - and it doesn't prescribe death as the punishment, it prescribes it as one of four punishments (three of which are nasty - I didn't say I agreed with all of the Quran!) and the fourth is exile.


The following verses include the punishment for those who disbelieve without waging war - and that is that on the day of judgement God will judge and punish them.


This is the difficulty with people who do quick internet searches for subjects from the Quran (and I include Islamic extremists in this) they get a line which backs up their argument and take it out of context, so the Quran prescribes death as one punishment for those who specifically wage war against Islam becomes Islam says non believers should be killed.


This is going over old ground, I'll stick around another ten minutes or so then I'm leaving you to it, it becomes boring after a bit.


Can you provide the verse you are refering too as there are more than one verse in the Quran that calls for violence.




Qur'an:9:5 - "And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."



Qur'an:8:39 - "And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah . And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do."


The above are not preceded by verses proclaiming not to fight and kill.

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