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Does Islam enrich the UK?

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Can you provide the verse you are refering too as there are more than one verse in the Quran that calls for violence.




Qur'an:9:5 - "And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."



Qur'an:8:39 - "And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah . And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do."


The above are not preceded by verses proclaiming not to fight and kill.


No I can't, you are obviously capable of searching the Quran - do it yourself - I'm going to bed in a minute. To be honest I'm fed up with the blatant Islamaphobia on here, believe what you want - you clearly have no intention of taking the verses in context so I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you over them - I know the context and have no reason to stand by Islam for the sake of it - I have no particular affiliation with it and disagree with much of what it teaches.


I have spent a year on here trying to show people the correct context and they clearly don't care so take it as you will.


BTW you have done one favour for me, I have been considering leaving SF for some time now. I have very little time and waste too much of it on here. So thanks for helping me make the decision to leave.

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No I can't, you are obviously capable of searching the Quran - do it yourself - I'm going to bed in a minute.


I'm sorry but I am capable of researching and providing evidence to backup my points. If you can't be bothered then why should anyone else?

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I don't believe Islam has enriched the UK, just looked at what has happened in the last 10 years. London bombing, countless foiled plots against civilians, woolwich murder, different preachers constantly in the news for spreading hate messages and nothing being done to combat that message.


Reminds me of those dirty Christians plotting and bombing and shooting innocent people through much of the 70s and 80s.


Even 9/11 had a big impact on Britain, this will start to happen more often regardless of what individual opinions people have on here, when it happens again the same discussions will go around, just like they are now, which amount to nothing.


Please read this and tell me if you understand what you are trying to say.


Iv heard more condemnation of the EDL in recent weeks than I have of the murderers of lee rigsby.


The edl are exploiting Lee Rigsby to spread their vitriol. They are a disgrace. This also explains why these attention-seeking whores are in receipt of so much coverage and condemnation.


There isn't a big enough collective to stand together and oppose what is happening today, there never will be, I believe it's the sad truth.


Are you referring to the perceived Islamisation of Europe? I doubt you mean climate change, the economy, starving children or many of the other concerns that really do need to be addressed now.


As for integration, look at tinsley, they don't want to integrate, the proof is there. I mean what has park house school turned into? Is it a school, a place of worship, housing for asylum seekers.


If you were 'their' next door neighbour, could you blame them?


As for the wars in Iraq, afghan, agree or disagree with them, what did those wars have to do with working class men, nothing at all, but it is the working class man that is being targeted for these actions.


1. Working-class men tend to be the cannon fodder in these conflicts.

2. Often whole families are wiped out in Iraq, Pakistan or Afghanistan by drone strikes but their working-class lives don't matter as much as ours.

3. What about the oil and rebuilding contracts that are keeping the rich wealthy and the working-classes firmly in their place?

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I have spent a year on here trying to show people the correct context and they clearly don't care so take it as you will.



You have failed because you are wrong, many Muslims are at war with the west so are using these verses in context to justify their actions.

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I think you're missing the point. WeX was expressing concern at the lack of an appropriate and acceptable response from the Muslim community. A few so-called 'community leaders' expressing 'regret' with vague and wolly words doesn't hack it. We want to see the entire community condemn the attack, and that never happens. They remain very largely silent.


They did though. Muslim council of great Britain condemned it in the strongest terms possible. No ifs buts or anything, just very strong condemnation. I saw it live on my telly. Another group said the same but I can't remember who they were.

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Cant say ive noticed. I dont bother with these threads much on ay of the fora i post on.

Thats because of the mardy left whingers (not a typo) who spout out crap like you have. Where did i say that it only applies to muslim? But you see this thread asks a specific question about a specific cult. By the way, when was the last time you saw a catholic, christian or jew hack of a British soldiers head in the middle of the day in the middle of an English street?


And no, its not just islam, its all religion i dont like. But islam is the most brutal, oppressive and cancerous of the lot so we may as well start with that.



well upto the 90's a few nominal catholics blew people to pieces across England

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A Islamic school was burnt last night= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2338391/Islamic-school-targeted-suspected-arson-attack.html?ito=feeds-newsxml where is the condemnation for that?

None of the Islamaphobes have even mentioned that, personally I think those looking for muslims to apologise for the actions of a couple of nutters can go and take a running jump....


Do we know who did it yet, and why? Evidence before condemnation...


---------- Post added 09-06-2013 at 22:09 ----------


They did though. Muslim council of great Britain condemned it in the strongest terms possible. No ifs buts or anything, just very strong condemnation. I saw it live on my telly. Another group said the same but I can't remember who they were.
Yeah, but who controls the UK Govt. funded organisation known as "The Muslim Council of Great Britain"? And are they taken seriously by the mainstream Muslims?
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No religion enriches this country, religion is a series of myths designed to keep the elites in power and he plebs scared.


Its all lies, there is more evidence of the existence of fairies than there is any so called God.

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