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Does Islam enrich the UK?

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Have you seen so of the barbarous Christian regimes in Africa, where you can be executed for being gay?

So start a thread ,this thread is about Islam enriching the UK not the regimes youve mentioned stop trying to move the goalposts it seems to be a habit of some on here


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 12:14 ----------


A Islamic school was burnt last night= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2338391/Islamic-school-targeted-suspected-arson-attack.html?ito=feeds-newsxml where is the condemnation for that?

None of the Islamaphobes have even mentioned that, personally I think those looking for muslims to apologise for the actions of a couple of nutters can go and take a running jump....


Now thats true colours appearing:thumbsup:

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If it wasn't for Islam you wouldn't have all the lovely mosques dotted around the UK.

The one on Wolseley road is quite a nice one= http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2261/1716148897_29c75f72ea_z.jpg?zz=1


It is definitely the most interesting thing i could see from the window of the bedroom I grew up in, but only because Bramall lane was just out of sight. But a few pretty buildings aren't worth the rest of the guff they come with.


Also, we could keep the pretty buildings and just use them for something good instead.

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Before we ask ourselves whether this or that 'group' enriches our lives or not, should we not first be asking ourselves whether we as individuals enrich the lives of others around us? That would be a good start.


Also, 'groups' of people such as Muslims, football supporters, women, Sheffielders, wood turners, etc. etc. are just people who share some common characteristics/interests but are often more different to each other than they are to people outside their 'group', so the premise of the OP's question is highly suspect in itself.

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Many Muslims have enriched my life, as have many Christians, and black people, and white people, and gays, and straights.


By the same token I don't get on at all with some Muslims, Christians, and black people, and white people, and gays, and straights.


I haven't seen anything in the UK that Islam has enriched (apart from possibly architecture if you're into that kind of thing - I'm not) but then again I don't live my life in accordance with Islamic principles so I doubt I would - I'm sure those who do would have a completely different opinion.


The proverbial nail hit squarely (and fairly) on the head...


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 14:35 ----------


Before we ask ourselves whether this or that 'group' enriches our lives or not, should we not first be asking ourselves whether we as individuals enrich the lives of others around us? That would be a good start.


Also, 'groups' of people such as Muslims, football supporters, women, Sheffielders, wood turners, etc. etc. are just people who share some common characteristics/interests but are often more different to each other than they are to people outside their 'group', so the premise of the OP's question is highly suspect in itself.


HALLELUYAH :thumbsup:

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Before we ask ourselves whether this or that 'group' enriches our lives or not, should we not first be asking ourselves whether we as individuals enrich the lives of others around us? That would be a good start.


Also, 'groups' of people such as Muslims, football supporters, women, Sheffielders, wood turners, etc. etc. are just people who share some common characteristics/interests but are often more different to each other than they are to people outside their 'group', so the premise of the OP's question is highly suspect in itself.


You read the question very differently to me.


Islam is an ideology, it is an ideology that offers me nothing, it does not enrich my life at all.


Some Muslims I know do, but not because of Islam, just because they're nice blokes.


Do you think that Islam the ideology enriches the UK and in what way?

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"Does Islam enrich the UK?" - no, not in any way. This is a Christian Country.




Christian country? So why are church attendances falling through the floor? I'm afraid this is an "(insert name of any reality TV show) country.


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 14:44 ----------


You mean like insisting that host nation to the immigrant abandon it's own laws in favour of the laws of the culture/religion of the migrant?


We should take a stance like Australia. This is how things are done here, if you don't like it, you know where the door is, you came in through it.


What laws are we abandoning?


Did you receive an answer to this question?

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"Does Islam enrich the UK?" - no, not in any way. This is a Christian Country.Angel.
Agree Islam doesn't enrich any country, not just this one. It's backwards looking and most countries it has a grip on are more or less poverty stricken hellholes.


Disagree that UK is a Christian country, it's a forward looking, free, democratic, unprejudiced secular country, where we don't let religions rule our lives anymore. We can't allow the Islamists to drag us back 500 years in their attempt to establish the United Caliphate of Europe and world domination. :suspect:


That's not to say that average Muslim in the street really wants it any more than we do, but they're brainwashed into thinking that its what Allah wants, and will go along with it when push comes to shove.

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