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Does Islam enrich the UK?

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just a little list and there is more


1) stating that any non believer is fair game to be killed

2) the wholesale implimation of halal meat in schools and supermarkets wether you want it or not

3) gang grooming of young white girls

4) female genital mutilation

5) the general treatment of women as inferior beings

6) the wish to impose sharia type laws

7) different financial packages to appease a religion

8) the general playing of the race card at any given oppertunity.

9) taking benefits from the countries that the culture/religion hates so much.

10)places of worship that are incompatible with local surroundings

11) areas made into ghettos as they do not want to integrate.


enrich and compatible with the uk?? er not really



Hi there,


As a western woman who converted a good 8 years ago to Islam, happily married for 7 years and raising my kids here in the UK, let me answer those point by point.


1) Not true. Just understand that the Quran doesn't follow a "storyline" like the Bible does. The verses which succeed each other are not in a chronological order. Indeed, each verse has been revealed in different occasions. Some at time of peace, some at times of conflicts. There is never a black and white statement like you just made in Islam.


2) Not all schools have halal only menu. If it happens a school has a majority of Muslim students, why not offering that facility?


3) That's not Islam. Islam prohibits promiscuous relationships between unmarried men and women. If the people who are doing that were living under Shariah, they would either be put to death (adultery) or given 100 lashes (fornication). Maybe it would be a good thing if this country would go back to more traditional ways instead of letting children put themselves in harm's ways. There is clearly something failed, and that's not the Muslims' fault.


4) Not allowed in Islam. Pakistanis certainly do not practice this at all. It's mainly Egyptians for some reason and some black African ethnicities. In Africa, Christian tribes also mutilate little girls' genitals FYI.


5) I do not feel inferior in the least. I have a voice that is very much heard. I have been participating in public discussions, I have been working in different environments, I go out as any other person, do my shopping, take the kids to the park... Do I need to show my body to do all that? No. I am not looking for male attention.


6) If the real sharia laws were adopted in any country, I believe the society would be much better. No more alcohol, crimes, fornication... Freedom for Christians and Jews to worship, obligation to give to charity, women's rights... It would be a clean, ideal society.

But don't worry, since there is absolutely no cohesion amongst Muslims, this will never happen, not even in so called Muslim countries.


7) Can you expand further please?


8) I don't like the "woe me" attitude. But one must admit that there are many misconceptions that people hang onto.


9) People cry when Pakistanis take advantage of the benefits, they also cry when they have a job because it could be another "White person"'s job... Most of the Muslim immigration have come to find better prospects, and a lot of them came when they had been asked to come in the 70s.

However I am in favour of the country "forcing" new comers to learn the English language.


10) If you take the example of the Mosque in Woodseats, it is so much more beautiful than the greyish reddish depressing bricks building surrounding it. Compared to France where I am originally from, I honestly think that the cities in the UK are real eye sores.


11) Ever heard about the "white flight"? Go on youtube and type "white fright" (it's not a typo), and watch that panorama documentary please.

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There is no mosque in Woodseats - yet. The Disneyland Wolsley Road mosque isn't very nice to look at. Overbearing, far too big for the site, cheap looking materials used and out of keeping with the area. Most of the 'official' buildings in that part of Sheffield are built from stone, like the school and the nearby churches, the rest are built of red brick like the library and the methodist church. That one sticks out like a sore thumb, sorry to say.


And if you don't like our cities, they offend your eyes, and you're originally from France, the remedy is in your own hands, isn't it? Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :D

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So start a thread ,this thread is about Islam enriching the UK not the regimes youve mentioned stop trying to move the goalposts it seems to be a habit of some on here.


Did you not notice that I posted that post in response to someone else bringing other religions into this thread? Please do try to keep up.


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 15:30 ----------


Did you receive an answer to this question?


To be fair I didn't expect an answer.

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There is no mosque in Woodseats - yet. The Disneyland Wolsley Road mosque isn't very nice to look at. Overbearing, far too big for the site, cheap looking materials used and out of keeping with the area. Most of the 'official' buildings in that part of Sheffield are built from stone, like the school and the nearby churches, the rest are built of red brick like the library and the methodist church. That one sticks out like a sore thumb, sorry to say.


And if you don't like our cities, they offend your eyes, and you're originally from France, the remedy is in your own hands, isn't it? Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :D


It's not because I am living in a country that I MUST find everything good and beautiful. Do you want to know how the Brits behave in southern France, in Spain, or Portugal (my father is from there)... I am not just talking about the ones in holiday, but the ones who actually live there...

I pay my taxes, I am like any of "you", and just like any of you, I have opinions.


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 15:52 ----------


A Islamic school was burnt last night= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2338391/Islamic-school-targeted-suspected-arson-attack.html?ito=feeds-newsxml where is the condemnation for that?

None of the Islamaphobes have even mentioned that, personally I think those looking for muslims to apologise for the actions of a couple of nutters can go and take a running jump....



Well said, brother! And what about the old man assassinated as he was walking back home from prayers at the mosque in a hate crime? Didn't make much the headlines, did it?

I am fed up of the constant double standard. I am not going to apologise for being a Muslim :loopy:

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Did you receive an answer to this question?


Sorry I'd completely forgotten I'd posted in here.


The answer is: We haven't YET but authorities continually bend to pander them. Look at the news the other day. A white guy spouted anti-muslim abuse (I refused to call it racist on the basis that Islam is NOT a race) and police are using every resource to find out who he was to arrest him for it. In the meantime we have Anjem Choudary stood in the street, in view of police officers spouting actual racist comments and inciting other muslims into violence and murder and he's ALLOWED to do so.


Mafya - Where's the proof that the Muslim school arson was a hate crime? Oh right someone sprayed EDL nearby. It's not like anyone could do that including Muslims.


It's entirely plausible that it was a child at the school that accidentally started a fire and the EDL spray was coincidental.

It's entirely plausible that the fire was started by some other group, maybe even Muslim and EDL was sprayed to implicate a hate crime.


Now I'm not accusing ANY group of the incident because I don't have all the facts and neither do you and indeed the authorities, else there would have been charges brought by now.

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It's not because I am living in a country that I MUST find everything good and beautiful. Do you want to know how the Brits behave in southern France, in Spain, or Portugal (my father is from there)... I am not just talking about the ones in holiday, but the ones who actually live there...

I pay my taxes, I am like any of "you", and just like any of you, I have opinions.


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 15:52 ----------



Well said, brother! And what about the old man assassinated as he was walking back home from prayers at the mosque in a hate crime? Didn't make much the headlines, did it?

I am fed up of the constant double standard. I am not going to apologise for being a Muslim :loopy:



And what about the white scottish teenager beaten to a pulp,then set alight until he died? A hate crime carried out by young muslim men. Or the old irish guy in Glasgow coming home with his fish supper kicked to death by young muslim men shouting "kill the white scum" as he lay defenceless and dying yards from his home.

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3) That's not Islam. Islam prohibits promiscuous relationships between unmarried men and women. If the people who are doing that were living under Shariah, they would either be put to death (adultery) or given 100 lashes (fornication). Maybe it would be a good thing if this country would go back to more traditional ways instead of letting children put themselves in harm's ways.There is clearly something failed, and that's not the Muslims' fault.

I'm afraid I very much take objection to that, which sounds like muslim apologism to me.


"letting children put themselves in harm's ways"?!? FFS! :rolleyes:


As for the proselityst "Maybe it would be a good thing if this country would go back to more traditional ways"...you're not doing yourself any favours here, as a 'temperate'.

<...>6) If the real sharia laws were adopted in any country, I believe the society would be much better. No more alcohol, crimes, fornication... Freedom for Christians and Jews to worship

Like in Egypt? (for the last 20+ years, btw, not just 'recently')

<...>women's rights...

Like in Tunisia?

<...>, obligation to give to charity,

Would we get a corresponding and proportional alleviation of personal taxation, or would that be on top? Genuine question.

<...>But don't worry, since there is absolutely no cohesion amongst Muslims, this will never happen, not even in so called Muslim countries.
Unlike, mmm...Mauritania? Sudan? Afghanistan? Iran? Iraq? Maldives? Pakistan? Qatar? Saudi Arabia? Yemen? Indonesia? UAE?


Each of these countries is under full Sharia law. I'm sure you've heard of the raped maid sentenced to 100 lashes for 'fornication' in the Maldives earlier this year, right?


The list is growing btw. Fully expect Lybia, Tunisia and Egypt to join it shortly.

10) If you take the example of the Mosque in Woodseats, it is so much more beautiful than the greyish reddish depressing bricks building surrounding it. Compared to France where I am originally from, I honestly think that the cities in the UK are real eye sores.
How many cities in the UK have you been to? Genuine question.


Personally, I live by the following maxim by Jean-Jacques Rousseau: "La liberté des uns s'arrête là où commence celle des autres".


As a fellow french person, hopefully you will appreciate the point that all religions (and religious people, of any persuasion) would do well to remember, and correspondingly live by, this maxim. I don't care for any religion, and (pursuant to the above maxim) am quite content to let people believe in sky pixies and conform to all sorts of weird and wonderful rules inspired (or even dictated-) by same...up to a point (again, pursuant to the above maxim). I'll give any which one of them a damn good fight as soon as proselitysm and obscurantism rear their ugly heads.

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Immigrants who bring new ideas in the arts, literature, technology, medicine enrich a country. Lots of good looking, eligible young women also enrich the lives of straight guys also :D


It's gone just a bit too far when immigrants seem to think (and apparently get away with) importing their own system of laws. That only creates the worst kind of divisiveness

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i'm afraid i very much take objection to that, which sounds like muslim apologism to me.


"letting children put themselves in harm's ways"?!? Ffs! :rolleyes:


Would you leave your children out at night, not knowing where they are, with who they are, etc... We do not live in a safe world and i find appalling that foster families and care centres do not control the whereabouts of these kids.


As for the proselityst "maybe it would be a good thing if this country would go back to more traditional ways"...you're not doing yourself any favours here, as a 'temperate'.


What is a temperate or maybe you meant a moderate? I respect other people around me, i do not impose my views on others, i do like a good debate though if the situation arises. I don't aspire to the 21 century style of values.


Like in egypt?


Egypt doesn't have shariah law. Actually no so called muslim country implements shariah law.


et bis repetita


would we get a corresponding and proportional alleviation of personal taxation, or would that be on top? Genuine question.

Unlike, mmm...mauritania? Sudan? Afghanistan? Iran? Iraq? Maldives? Pakistan? Qatar? Saudi arabia? Yemen? Indonesia? Uae?


Muslims in a shariah led state must pay zakat (2.5% of any savings and assets), they also have to give sadaqat (charity). Non muslims living in an islamic state must only pay what is called "jiziyat" which is a tax in exchange of full military and social protection. So to sum up, a muslim in an islamic state must pay a lot more taxes than a non muslim and also they have a duty to protect the non muslims in case of an attack.


The list is growing btw. Fully expect lybia, tunisia and egypt to join it shortly.

How many cities in the uk have you been to? Genuine question.


Sorry, there is no cohesion in the islamic world. The muslims are divided by sects, allegiances to different superpowers and greed for money (saudi, uae...)


i have been to quite a lot of towns. I am not a fan of bricks, specially when the weather is nearly always cloudy and raining. It's a tad depressing.


Personally, i live by the following maxim by jean-jacques rousseau: "la liberté des uns s'arrête là où commence celle des autres".


I also feel the same.


As a fellow french person, hopefully you will appreciate the point that all religions (and religious people, of any persuasion) would do well to remember, and correspondingly live by, this maxim. I don't care for any religion, but i'll give any which one a damn good fight when proselitysm and obscurantism rear their ugly heads.


i'd rather have quality than quantity as far as muslims go... Unfortunately, we seem to have a crucial lack of good muslims.

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Sorry I'd completely forgotten I'd posted in here.


The answer is: We haven't YET but authorities continually bend to pander them.

So no laws have been changed then? Incidentally, the state is a servant of the people, and if it can lawfully accommodate the interests of certain people without grievously affecting my life I couldn't give two hoots.


Look at the news the other day. A white guy spouted anti-muslim abuse (I refused to call it racist on the basis that Islam is NOT a race) and police are using every resource to find out who he was to arrest him for it.

As they did the Muslims who abused our homecoming troops and the poppy burners.


In the meantime we have Anjem Choudary stood in the street, in view of police officers spouting actual racist comments and inciting other muslims into violence and murder and he's ALLOWED to do so.

They must have missed some of the rantings of Tommy Robinson, the racist chanting and Nazi salutes of some EDL members too then


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 17:37 ----------


And what about the white scottish teenager beaten to a pulp,then set alight until he died? A hate crime carried out by young muslim men.
The murderers were caught, tried, convicted and received life sentences with minimum terms between 23-25 years.

Or the old irish guy in Glasgow coming home with his fish supper kicked to death by young muslim men shouting "kill the white scum" as he lay defenceless and dying yards from his home.

The murderers were caught, convicted and sentenced to life with minimum terms of 16 years.


No arrests have been made in regard to the murder of 75 year old grandfather, Mohammed Saleem in Birmingham.

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