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Does Islam enrich the UK?

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People come here usually because they are economic migrants, not because they are religious migrants.


If migrants want to retain their culture and customs what is the problem?


That depends on where the culture is coming from and what the customs are. Stoning to death? Honour killings? Oppression of women in general? Leave that at door thanks.

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People come here usually because they are economic migrants, not because they are religious migrants.


If migrants want to retain their culture and customs what is the problem?


You mean like insisting that host nation to the immigrant abandon it's own laws in favour of the laws of the culture/religion of the migrant?


We should take a stance like Australia. This is how things are done here, if you don't like it, you know where the door is, you came in through it.

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You mean like insisting that host nation to the immigrant abandon it's own laws in favour of the laws of the culture/religion of the migrant?


We should take a stance like Australia. This is how things are done here, if you don't like it, you know where the door is, you came in through it.


What laws are we abandoning?

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No, its a cancer and its spreading.



Islamic radicals 'infiltrate' the Labour Party

A Labour minister says his party has been infiltrated by a fundamentalist Muslim group that wants to create an “Islamic social and political order” in Britain.

The Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) — which believes in jihad and sharia law, and wants to turn Britain and Europe into an Islamic state — has placed sympathisers in elected office and claims, correctly, to be able to achieve “mass mobilisation” of voters.

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  • 55% favors stopping immigration from Islamic countries.
  • 63% say: no new mosques.
  • 72% favor a constitutional ban on Sharia law in the Netherlands.
  • 64% say that the arrival of immigrants from Islamic countries has not been beneficial to the Netherlands.
  • 73% see a relationship between Islam and the recent terror acts in Boston, London and Paris.


We hear that multiculturalism is a good thing for the UK and the EU as a whole, that it enriches our lives and there is no down side to the relationship. But after reading that Dutch people think that Islam does not enrich their country and the proposed banning of Sharia, new mosques and immigration from Islamic countries, I wondered if people in the UK felt similar or could debunk this and give ways that Islam has enriched the UK?


No, not in the slightest.

Unless you count misogyny, hacking people to bits and the constant whinging some muslims do when ever they cant have things entirely their own way, then no.

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No, not in the slightest.

Unless you count misogyny, hacking people to bits and the constant whinging some muslims do when ever they cant have things entirely their own way, then no.


Yes, because it's definitely only Muslims that your sentence applies to :rolleyes:


A SF debate turning into moaning about Muslims and immigrants...that never happens.

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Yes, because it's definitely only Muslims that your sentence applies to :rolleyes:


A SF debate turning into moaning about Muslims and immigrants...that never happens.


Cant say ive noticed. I dont bother with these threads much on ay of the fora i post on.

Thats because of the mardy left whingers (not a typo) who spout out crap like you have. Where did i say that it only applies to muslim? But you see this thread asks a specific question about a specific cult. By the way, when was the last time you saw a catholic, christian or jew hack of a British soldiers head in the middle of the day in the middle of an English street?


And no, its not just islam, its all religion i dont like. But islam is the most brutal, oppressive and cancerous of the lot so we may as well start with that.

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