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Does Islam enrich the UK?

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Do you think that the vast majority of British Muslims are about to turn to some kind of extremism? If not your comment is pointless.


They belong to a cult which is no different to natzisum, look how that ended.

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Have you seen so of the barbarous Christian regimes in Africa, where you can be executed for being gay?


Which one would that be?


these African nations put homosexuals to death:


Islamic Republic of Mauritania - ISLAM

Republic of the Sudan - ISLAM

Somalia (Parts) - ISLAM

Nigeria - 50/50 split ISLAM/CHRISTIAN

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Do you think that the vast majority of British Muslims are about to turn to some kind of extremism? If not your comment is pointless.


I certainly know that if someone hacked someones head off in the street in my name, I would be standing on the rooftops making sure everyone knew I didn't approve.


You so much as question a part of Islam and there are protests in the street against it. But a muslim hacks the head off an innocent man in street, where are the protests against that?


---------- Post added 09-06-2013 at 20:41 ----------


So busy condemning Muslims I guess some people have already forgotten that Jewish courts are in daily use in Britain, and have been for centuries.


And they are wrong too. But two wrongs do not make a right do they.

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Which one would that be?


these African nations put homosexuals to death:


Islamic Republic of Mauritania - ISLAM

Republic of the Sudan - ISLAM

Somalia (Parts) - ISLAM

Nigeria - 50/50 split ISLAM/CHRISTIAN


Uganda - over 80% Christian

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I imagine the vast majority of Germans were law abiding citizens just before the war.


---------- Post added 09-06-2013 at 20:25 ----------


Are you sure.


I'm positive.


I invite you to direct me to the appropriate Quranic passage that says you should be sentenced to death for blasphemy.


In fact not only is death not prescribed for blasphemy, but apostasy (which is arguably a worse crime than blasphemy in Islam) isn't even treated by a sentence of death.


As the Quran is the ultimate authority in Islam, and any other text man made (from the Islamic perspective) any other text that goes against the Quran is by default putting mans word above Gods - and therefore any Muslim who does this is in fact putting the word of man on the same level as the word of God - and thus is guilty of breaking the most fundamental belief in Islam - that there is no equal to Allah.


We've been through this a thousand times Mr Smith - and each time you have demonstrated you don't have an understanding of the hierarchy of the Islamic texts. Do we really have to go into it again? It's really boring.

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No different, really? Is another one of your wind ups?


No different at all, they follow the ramblings of a madman just like Nazis followed Hitler, they waged war as means to spread their ideology just like Hitler, and they committed genocide on the Jews just like the Nazis.

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