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Media control during events

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During yesterdays EDL/UAF clash it seems people tried to post on here about the event here and threads were removed. Also there was very little mainstreem media coverage of the events.


I wonder if people were told not to talk about it by the police. I know it sounds conspiracy theorist but we do have police who regularly post on here so perhaps they asked for no discussion.

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The media will only start reporting on the EDL when they are causing more problems than the so called anti-fascists or they are too big to ignore

One of which is nailed on to happen


Really poor that everyone against them is trying to twist everything like Nazi salutes this and that when they are doing no such thing


I have seen one thing in all the anti EDL propaganda which sickened me which was some Guy with a nazi tattoo on his chest, even then with all the twisting I am seeing I was thinking ''probably been photoshopped on'' (I think its legit though and is disgraceful if so)


On the other hand I have seen/heard many things from the other lot which have sickened me such as the Jihad flag being flown in MY city centre at a war memorial ... They should have been lynched


There's not much point debating on here though as you only have to not hold the same views as some to be branded a racist/fascist

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The media will only start reporting on the EDL when they are causing more problems than the so called anti-fascists or they are too big to ignore

One of which is nailed on to happen


Really poor that everyone against them is trying to twist everything like Nazi salutes this and that when they are doing no such thing


I have seen one thing in all the anti EDL propaganda which sickened me which was some Guy with a nazi tattoo on his chest, even then with all the twisting I am seeing I was thinking ''probably been photoshopped on'' (I think its legit though and is disgraceful if so)


On the other hand I have seen/heard many things from the other lot which have sickened me such as the Jihad flag being flown in MY city centre at a war memorial ... They should have been lynched


There's not much point debating on here though as you only have to not hold the same views as some to be branded a racist/fascist


Then perhaps the EDL and the UAF should be a bit more positive in their messages and go about things in a different way.

Threatening violence and chanting abuse at one another is just going to alienate everybody else and guarantee bad publicity. Though I sometimes wonder with the media whether it's threats of violence which guarantees a bit of publicity.


On a broader point the media certainly do put their own spin on things. Certain things are rarely if ever discussed in the mainstream media, where as other things which 20 years ago wouldn't have bothered anyone, now make the headlines.

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...it seems people tried to post on here about the event here and threads were removed.


I used to moderate on another forum and we had an established "BNP mob" who would post inflamatory threads and generally try and use the forum to promote their cause.


We squished 'em. Perhaps the mods on here have a similar policy?

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