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Was that the summer?

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Well we've just had 3 nice days of weather but now the next 10 days are cloudy with some rain. Have we had all the summer we're getting this year? Why are summers so rubbish nowadays? I remember when it used to be warm for weeks and months every year.


I think that we only remember the sunny days when we were children and forget about the rainy days we had. I can remember having holidays in a caravan at Skeggy and it raining as we got on the coach and still raining when we came home. Also going on a day trip to Blackpool in the summer and just sitting in a shelter all day out of the rain. and my dad using his favourite expression "we must have killed a Robin" still dont understand what that meant.

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Well we've just had 3 nice days of weather but now the next 10 days are cloudy with some rain. Have we had all the summer we're getting this year? Why are summers so rubbish nowadays? I remember when it used to be warm for weeks and months every year.


Rose tinted specs being worn here I think !

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British summer has to be the best in the world, wouldn't have it any other way; I'd be well cheesed off if it was hot and sunny everyday, I like it that it's varied and not too cold.


Come wintertime I wished that I could afford to fly south with the birds though.

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