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374m to save the world yet we have foodbanks

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The cost of not spending that money now is Billions more in defence spending in the future. It seems like a simple money saving exercise to me.


And the cost of borrowing it how far into the future is that going to be?

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Governments of all shades have spent money in various places throughout history, because it is useful to do so at the time, for any number of reasons, fiscal, political and humanitarian.


This often involves dealing with some unpleasant people/states. It is too simplistic to say we shouldn't do X because B is happening elsewhere. The world doesn't function like that. Doing X may not be ideal (I'm not talking about foreign aid, just generally, could be anything), but it may be the least worst option.

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Since Blair all of our PMs have been more concerned about their standing on the world stage and leaving a "legacy" than they are about running Britain properly.


True, but what do you expect when Bliar is making millions a year in 'consultancy' fees and the after-dinner speech circuit?


I miss the good old days of John Major. Why? Because that government stayed in the background running the country, rather than turning politics into the dumbed-down celebrity-fest it is today.

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Because that government stayed in the background running the country,


Amazing how close running is to ruining...


Remember several of the issues we face today started in that (and previous) Government sessions. Although I seem to remember Mr Blair promising to revert several of those decisions in order to gain election, and then promptly forgetting to do so...

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