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374m to save the world yet we have foodbanks

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Don't you understand we don't have the money to spend we are in debt, were borrowing money to give away.


How far into the near future do you want to go,


"But shadow treasury minister Chris Leslie said: "At this rate of deficit reduction, at less than a quarter of 1% a year, it would take 400 years to balance the books."



There is no deficit reduction, Osborne has finally been pulled up for cooking the books, the man is a fraud and a cheat.



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Do you understand that if we don't spend some small amount now, it will cost a lot more in the near future?
dont you understand that this debt will never be paid off (not in your or my lifetime) :suspect: meanwhile the rich will get richer and the poor will be worse off. the mps/rich people of the world are only looking after themselves (like us really) its just a pity normal people are paying for it all :huh:.
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So your solution is to not spend it? And then spend more instead? How will that help?


Why do you predict that it will take so long to pay off? Do you think it's impossible that the economy will actually recover and that tax returns will increase?

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