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Safe drinking limit of 2 beers..a year.

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If we followed this advice, and all the other advice that we get, yeah we might (Or might not) live a year or two longer, but at the expense of what? Limiting your enjoyment of life.


The length of your life is primarily based on genetics, assuming you don't have a grossly unbalanced diet.


So really whether you want to prohibit the pleasures in life to make it possibly indeterminately longer then that's your own choice, but how far does it go?


Never leave the house because you might get knocked down, never go on holiday because your plane might crash.


Life is about the quality of it, and not making it as boring as you can so you can stretch it (maybe) over a longer period.



Why do people need alcohol to enjoy themselves? What a joy to see drunk people, costing a leg and an arm to the NHS, p1$sing themselves and falling on the floor in their own vomit.

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When you work it out, it all comes down to moderation lets face it, sex, food, fags, booze are known killers. It's sadly a case of what we all enjoy, one way or another according to some pillocks is bad for you.


Oh my god...who said sex was bad for us?

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This was the headline in this weeks Sunday Express.

This is another conclusion of an EU funded body designed to scare the population to death.

Eat,drink smoke and be merry for tomorrow you die.

"This was the headline in this weeks Sunday Express."



The worlds worst sensation grabbing piece of toilet paper,some people call a newspaper!!

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Looks like typical Express lies to me




Link to the actual project http://www.amphoraproject.net/


It doesn't appear to suggest 2 beers a year anywhere that I can see, but it helps feed their anti Euro agenda.


In fact, the closest to its says that 'if ethanol were treated in the same way as other toxic compounds in

foods such as preservatives, pesticides, mycotoxins or heat-induced contaminants, the limits would

be one thousandth the toxic dose, no more than one drink a year'


In other words - if we treated ethanol like we do other toxins, THEN the safe recommended dose would be much lower.


But of course, we dont.


They practically admit this anyway.


The European Commission said: “We will not be making any proposals based on the AMPHORA project’s conclusions.”


File under 'Express Lies'

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This was the headline in this weeks Sunday Express.

This is another conclusion of an EU funded body designed to scare the population to death.

Eat,drink smoke and be merry for tomorrow you die.


I smoke heavily , i drink way too much ............... but you are only here once so enjoy. Lifes too short to worry about what the health freaks are banging on about.

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Since the scottish government introduced a ban on "alcoholic multi-purchase" discounts.The number of people admitted to hospital due to "acute" intoxication has risen dramatically!

People are binge drinking more than ever.

Bring" Still Game " [T.V. Show] back Victor and Jack are the best examples on how to grow old gracefully I have ever seen.


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 20:32 ----------


Oh my god...who said sex was bad for us?

If it wern.t for sex I wun't have to wear glasses.


---------- Post added 10-06-2013 at 20:35 ----------


I smoke heavily , i drink way too much ............... but you are only here once so enjoy. Lifes too short to worry about what the health freaks are banging on about.

Well that's fine as long as tha dun't run or cyclists while tha't at it.

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