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Are police forces 'cultivating' abuse victims?

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What he said ^


Strange the OP should see it any other way :confused:


Ummmm...I don't see it the other way round! I posed the question(s)..What boyfriday said was completely valid....At least he didn't think I was some sort of ogre.

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I have read your exchange with Pete Morris, I do not know the gentleman I suspect that I would not agree with him on many things. However, with great respect and acknowledging your obviously sincere feelings on this subject I do feel you comments are somewhat over the top. He has raised the issue in a straightforward questioning way, your attempts to drag this serious issue into a personal dog fight do no credit to your argument.


That just demonstrates how normalised and abuser-friendly our language is.

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Dear PeteMorris, it has been brought to our attention that you've been subject to abuse from some members of the Sheffield Forum.


Please feel free to contact us at your convenience for details of our self help and therapy group for victims.


Yours sincerely,



Victims of Innuendo, Trollers, Ranters and Ideologists OnLine

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That just demonstrates how normalised and abuser-friendly our language is.


Oh dear! Now we have an abuser-friendly language!...The connotation in that statement don't bear thinking about! :(


---------- Post added 11-06-2013 at 16:31 ----------


Dear PeteMorris, it has been brought to our attention that you've been subject to abuse from some members of the Sheffield Forum.


Please feel free to contact us at your convenience for details of our self help and therapy group for victims.


Yours sincerely,



Victims of Innuendo, Trollers, Ranters and Ideologists OnLine


Thank you kind sir, I'll see if I can free up my diary for attendance! :)

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I'm really sorry if I've upset you personally. It was not my intention, and if you had, had more dealing with me on other threads you would know that.


So lets put a warning up (which I'll have to police as a mod) that says nobody can post or discuss anything vaguely controversial, or who 'someone' might take exception to! Clearly a non-starter. This would be a very quiet place in that were implemented. Disagreements, varying opinions is what makes this place so popular.


You seem to miss the point completely. I'm not lacking in empathy, as I've been on the receiving end of 'assumptions' that as a bloke I'm a guilty party, when in reality I was a victim. That is fact. How does that differ to your view?...I really can't see that it would.


The point is, is that the tide has turned. It's easy to point the finger now, and be listened to and taken seriously. I was however very surprised at the lengths taken to contact my friend, given she's only ever been to London once in her life and didn't like it there!


You haven't upset me personally, and you clearly don't understand what a trigger warning is.


If the tide really had turned, we wouldn't see so many posts on here, over and over again, expressing or implying the view that abuse victims are lying or not genuine.

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You haven't upset me personally, and you clearly don't understand what a trigger warning is.


If the tide really had turned, we wouldn't see so many posts on here, over and over again, expressing or implying the view that abuse victims are lying or not genuine.


Upset. Overreacting. Venom. Angry. Man hating. How original. All we need now are bitter and ugly then we have a full house.

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Well, here's a sweeping claim for you: the number of people who think nothing of coming on to SF to peddle damaging suggestions about abuse victims really does not contribute to making life easier for those victims. In fact, directly the opposite.


Posts like your OP - yes, even when you frame those damaging assumptions as questions rather than statements - contribute to a culture of under-reporting, shame and secrecy around abuse (and rape, sexual assault, harassment, etc) that harms victims.


The assumptions implicit in your question demonstrate a lack of understanding of these issues and are, in my view, irresponsible.


/sweeping claims based on my own experience and extrapolating to assume it's the norm


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1: Are the police simply being proactive and like to be 'seen' to be bringing justice? (albeit far too many years late)


2: Is it right to 'trawl' in this manner?


3: Is this simply creating a bandwagon culture?


4: Is this the reason there are so many 'claimants'?


5: Are the 'claimants' all genuine? (no doubt a hell of a lots are, but I suspect if this method of contact is used, some may not be!)


1. Yes

2. No

3. Possibly.

4. Possibly.

5. Probably not.

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Upset. Overreacting. Venom. Angry. Man hating. How original. All we need now are bitter and ugly then we have a full house.


Why?...is that the usual response you get on here?...I'm not pointing any fingers, but if that's what you usually get then ....well...


---------- Post added 11-06-2013 at 18:26 ----------


You haven't upset me personally, and you clearly don't understand what a trigger warning is.


If the tide really had turned, we wouldn't see so many posts on here, over and over again, expressing or implying the view that abuse victims are lying or not genuine.


I explained the trigger response in an earlier post....But the effect of that (being a 'family friendly' forum would be to ban certain subjects...yes as a moderator it's a complete pain to control the 'trolls' and wind up merchants...but I'm neither.


You say if the tide has turned we wouldn't see so many post on here...why would that be?...I'm not up to speed with the logic there.


Are you completely dismissing the possibility or probability that there are malicious claims?....Is every single person who claim 'foul' absolutely genuine?...If so you're living in cloud nine or something. People are people...Nice people...horrible people, malicious people, liars, cheats, people out to make a buck....lovely people!...the list is endless...yet I'm a crab for raising the possibility!


As I've stated repeatedly....I've been on the wrong end of it....and it's definitely NOT nice!

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