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Any doctors on this site , need advise.

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hi for the last 2 weeks or so ive had like a faint headache and when i touch the rhs of the top of my head it hurts behind my right eye , this is getting me worried now , i rang the doctors but trying to get in is immposible im booked in for next monday , it really feels like a migraine but a very faint one , when i bend forward it puts pressure on , any serious advise would be great , im 39 dont smoke rarely drink , cheers:(

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Asking on forums is not the best idea and neither is searching the internet, the deeper you dig the more likely your searches will end in cancer. It is more than likely nothing serious, much much more than likely in fact. Go see a doctor to put your mind at rest.

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Have you had a cold recently? If you have then it could well be sinusitis.


ive been having colds on and off for the last 2 months or so , but 2 weeks ago i had the dreaded sore throat again as if i was starting again but got rid with some 1st defence.

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do not look for medical or legal advice on internet forums, especially when you are likely to have won life's lottery by having been born in one of the most advanced countries in the world when it comes to both. Just go and see a proper doctor or a lawyer and ask them. Anybody can pretend to be either a doctor or a lawyer on the internet, but the chances are they are not any such thing. Real doctors would not offer you any advice online (how can they honestly give a diagnosis????) but just counsel you to go and see a real one.

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...Real doctors would not offer you any advice online (how can they honestly give a diagnosis????) ...
I don't know about that, they give you a diagnosis over the phone ... I thought having psychic powers was part of the job these days? ;)


You might have a viral headache, you sometimes get them after a cold or flu, you just have to wait for it to go away. A test is - does it hurt more when you bend forward or move your head/eyes?


ETA link: http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/simplepage.cfm?ID=751829060


DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to be a doctor, failed student or otherwise. Just someone who once had a viral headache. If you're that worried see a real doctor :D

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I don't know about that, they give you a diagnosis over the phone ... I thought having psychic powers was part of the job these days? ;)




though not of course ideal that is OK because that is when you are ringing up a doctor's surgery, where you know the person is an actual doctor. On the internet, people impersonate being members of various professions all the time, police and military being the overwhelming favourites but with doctors and lawyers also being among the most popular. As they are quite often failed students, like people who wanted to be doctors or lawyers when they were kids but couldn't make it, posting your symptoms up on the web is not all that wise a thing to do.

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