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She can't be named

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Anyone who has accused him of paedophilia must be confused as to the age of the girl involved, there is no suggestion that she is prepubescent.


Depends if you apply the tabloid journalist definition of paedophile or the dictionary one ;)


If we hadn't already heard about this case when he ran off with the girl, there'd be plenty of newspapers branding him as a paedo, probably also while trotting out the "she probably asked for it" line at the same time.

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There would as he was still in a position of authority.

Had she been 16 and he not her teacher, then there'd be no case and no story.


True,but apparently she instigated it all.But yeah,he could have said no because of his duty of care and just waited.

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It's obviously a big temptation when there's an attractive young lass throwing herself at him, but for a teacher it's part of the job.

He should have told her not to be silly and find someone her own age.

Even so, I don't know how they can do him for abduction.

According to my dictionary abduction involves taking away by force, which clearly was not the case here.




Whatever the court decides his career's over!

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It was all mutual,plus the girl knew exactly what she was doing,she was not vulnerable at all.If she had been 16 and not 15 their would be no story.The thread about it when it 1st happened, was a 50-50 mixed feelings about it.


I'm going on the court reports where several witnesses described her as being vulnerable. I guess we have different standards about right and wrong.

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It's abit stupid because her name is still on all the old news reports from last year when she went missing.


So when all those idiots were posting photos of someone alleged to be Jon Venables all over the internet, the world wide ban on publishing the photos should then be lifted because a few reactionaries had already posted pics on facebook?


The law doesn't work like that (thank god!)

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I know, someone was entrusted to look after a vulnerable child, and he ended up having sex with her, and then rather than face the consequences he abducted her to a foreign country. What are the Police thinking about prosecuting him?


That's funny, I thought that's what he's charged with. What's the point of a trial? They should have consulted you first.

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Also, remember that:

a. rape victims' anonymity applies, no matter the age or gender of the victim; and

b. a person <16 cannot give lawful consent to sexual intercourse (so it's rape, if proven).


Technically that's incorrect isn't it. Between 14 and 16 the crime is unlawful intercourse, below 14 it's rape.

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