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Conflicting Police advice regarding swimming

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they should just have realistic advice-like not swimming alone or out of your depth-make sure there is a life saver nearby rather than just dismissing all outdoor water fun!


But how do you know before you get into the water whether you're going to be out of your depth or whether there are obstructions, dangerous entangling weed in the water or undercurrents which are likely to affect you?

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But how do you know before you get into the water whether you're going to be out of your depth or whether there are obstructions, dangerous entangling weed in the water or undercurrents which are likely to affect you?


You should check how deep it is.

A long stick will sort that out. As for the weeds? Thats a bit more tricky and i wouldnt really know how to guard against that.

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ah sod it go swimming, I swam most of my late childhood in treeton duke and rother valley


aswell as messing in rivers in fox house etc, not forgetting the sea when on holiday



never did me any harm lol

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But how do you know before you get into the water whether you're going to be out of your depth or whether there are obstructions, dangerous entangling weed in the water or undercurrents which are likely to affect you?


you just walk in:huh: I have never had trouble deciding when I am in my depth or not.


I have also been swimming where there are weeds-it wasn't a problem. Accidents will always happen-you can either enjoy your life or never leave your house.


If the current feels strong when you are wading don't swim.


Don't do any of the above if you arent a strong swimmer.


Its that lack of common sense thing again isn't it.



You can't keep me out of water when its hot!! Although I am a bit of weiner about going out of my depth.

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Its such stupid advice:loopy:


Ignore it and enjoy summer-everyone knows water is cold, its also a lot of fun:)


I particularly like the use a local swimming pool advice-ours is only open to school kids outside working hours-brilliant!


They closed our local pool entirely!! But we do have a reservoir!

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They closed our local pool entirely!! But we do have a reservoir!


a bit of a flaw in their plan really!


I don't understand how people drown in the weeds? Is it people swimming underwater that get tangled up?


Its like everything, they give so much advice and so many warnings to cover themselves that in order to live your life you just have to ignore it all. If they actually gave moderate sensible advice and warnings people would take notice of them more.


If you swim a lot you will become a strong swimmer, you could have an accident one day but on the other hand it could save your life one day. Sending you to your local pool is ridiculous when there are none available-although I no longer live in Sheffield the only pool near me that I am allowed to use is in a hotel spa, you have to be a member and it costs a fortune. On the other hand we have resevoirs, pools, lakes and rivers nearby we can use for free.

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