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Brewdog bar coming to Sheffield ?

Andy C

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Vacancies for General Manager and Assistant Manager now being advertised... http://www.brewdog.com/bars/coming-soon


I can't see them being open in October with such a late start, although with their minimalistic (cheap) approach to furnishings, it shouldn't take too long.


On another note I had a little look in the new Wetherspoons in Chap the other day.....It looks very nice inside, although I doubt the natives will allow it to stay like that for very long. :hihi:





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  • 3 weeks later...
I haven't, but if I may hijack the thread, we have a CASK Brewdog beer for Sheffield beer fest next week. Sort of...


To be precise, it's an Arbor/Brewdog collaboration, exclusive to Brewdog bars. And us :-) and we blagged it in cask :-)


Sounds interesting but it's not enough to get me to the beer festival as I've been disappointed with the festival the last couple of years. I'd much rather go to The Rutland or The Shakespeare where I know the beer will be good instead of wasting time sorting the wheat from the chaff in sterile surroundings (This is my opinion before everybody jumps in).


On another note you guys should do a tap takeover sometime and get a range of beers on at the same time, now that would be a beer festival.

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Sounds interesting but it's not enough to get me to the beer festival as I've been disappointed with the festival the last couple of years. I'd much rather go to The Rutland or The Shakespeare where I know the beer will be good instead of wasting time sorting the wheat from the chaff in sterile surroundings (This is my opinion before everybody jumps in).


On another note you guys should do a tap takeover sometime and get a range of beers on at the same time, now that would be a beer festival.


What I've found with Sheffield Beer festival is that it's been improving year on year since I moved back up north, especially since moving to Ponds Forge. It's still got it's imperfections, and yes there are better CAMRA fests in other places but I did enjoy it last year.


I will attend for an evening session or two next week. Looking forward to Steel City "Creamy Head Straight From The Wood" of course! :D

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on the subject of Sheffield's Steel City beer festival next week, a bit more information is on this thread: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=10100000#post10100000


and on the festival website: http://www.sheffieldcamra.org.uk/festival/


The festival opens Wednesday 5pm-11pm and Thursday-Saturday 12pm-11pm. I admit there is no getting away from the fact its in a big sports hall but we've a great beer list this year that I'm really pleased with - it runs to about 150 different beers with a mixture of local brewery showcases and interesting, new, rares and old favourite beers from further afield -as well as a good selection of ciders for those that way inclined.... There will be an improvement on the food side of things this year too with a number of catering stalls in addition to Ponds Forge's own cafe. There will be live music every night except Wednesday organised by Saxbob, who organises Sheffield's blues music festivals.

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As beer festivals go (and yes I'd rather drink in a pub, but name me a pub with 150 draft beers!) I think Sheffield is pretty good, I much prefer the venue, soulless though it may be, to the old tent. The first year was unfortunately hit by a combination of an unseasonal heatwave and malfunctioning cooloing, meaning the beer was not very enjoyable. Since then I think the beer has been in pretty good nick, and I hope the beer list has been varied and interesting enough for most people, with a good mix of styles and beers from near and far

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I quite like the Brewdog beers and I like the irreverent urban industrial feel of their bars. I'm familiar with the ones in Nottingham and Manchester. In fact I was in the Manchester one last Friday night. Had a good glass of "Hardcore" IPA at 9%. I think a Brewdog bar in Sheffield will be a welcome addition to what is already a very good real ale scene.


I do worry about the growth of this "craft keg" though. I can see it doing to real ale what keg did to real ale back in the 1960's - and that would be a shame.


At the end of the day I much prefer the taste of real ale, without the gases, to craft keg. But craft keg is obviously far more profitable for the brewers and landlords - and that's exactly what killed real ale off last time around.


For those of you who like your real ale - and craft keg - and are not averse to travelling a bit further afield to get it, may I make another recommendation to you?


I visited the newly opened Buxton Tap House, in Buxton, the other week. They have a good selection of their own Buxton Brewery beers, plus some unusual and interesting craft kegs, including some from a tie-up with a Norwegian brewery.


It's a very nice bar, opposite the opera house on George Street, with a mixture of café style and comfortable lounge seating. It used to be a coffee shop before but it's been very tastefully turned into a bar - oh and the food is very good too.


The only disappointment for me was that they didn't have my favourite, "Axe Edge" on first time I went. On my last visit they had it, but only as a craft keg.


It tastes far better on hand pull, but they tell me they rarely get it now except for craft keg. Thornbridge seem to have done the same trick with "Halcyon". I love that beer on hand pull, but it's metamorphosed into a craft keg, costing a good £1.20 a pint more and not tasting anywhere near as good.



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