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ConDems award £1.6bn Thameslink contract to German firm, Seimens

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The loss of jobs at Derby has nothing to do with the Thameslink order.

The Canadian/German company Bombardier says:


"However, even if the Thameslink contract is awarded to us in the immediate future, the culmination and successful delivery of existing projects means it is already inevitable that Bombardier will experience a dip in workload, the scale of which will mean laying off around 1,200 employees."

Pierre Beaudoin

President and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier Inc (Canada)

Andre Navarri

President and Chief Operating Officer

Bombardier Transportation (Germany)

in letter to Parliament May 2011


Giving the contract to Siemens has created 2000 UK jobs in the factory at Hebburn and its UK suppliers

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They are the party in government and have had three years to change the criteria, they also claimed that they wanted to rebalance the ecomomy away from financial services, this would have been a great example to demonstrate their committment to this laudable goal, they didn't, so don't blame me If I think that they have no interest in supporting UK manufacturing.


I don't blame you at all wednesday1, however, i think when apportioning blame it helps if the right people are targeted.


The Labour government drew up the tender process, a process that everyone has complied with and a decision made in 2011.


A review was subsequently carried out and the original decision has been found to be watertight. That is not useful to UK plc but it appears to be legally watertight.


Rather than unsuccesfully trying to score cheap political points, I think you should be asking how the Labour government managed to concoct a tender process that so clearly disadvantaged a UK based firm.


But hey, I forget that Labour are perfect and never make mistakes.:)

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The loss of jobs at Derby has nothing to do with the Thameslink order.

The Canadian/German company Bombardier says:


"However, even if the Thameslink contract is awarded to us in the immediate future, the culmination and successful delivery of existing projects means it is already inevitable that Bombardier will experience a dip in workload, the scale of which will mean laying off around 1,200 employees."

Pierre Beaudoin

President and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier Inc (Canada)

Andre Navarri

President and Chief Operating Officer

Bombardier Transportation (Germany)

in letter to Parliament May 2011


Giving the contract to Siemens has created 2000 UK jobs in the factory at Hebburn and its UK suppliers



As far as I can see there will only be 300 jobs created at Hebburn, please provide a link showing where these other 1700 jobs will be.

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As far as I can see there will only be 300 jobs created at Hebburn, please provide a link showing where these other 1700 jobs will be.


Siemens said the contract would lead to the creation of 2,000 jobs across the UK, including up to 300 at a factory in Hebburn, South Tyneside.




I think the other 1700 jobs will be create along the various supply chains feeding Siemens.

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Siemens said the contract would lead to the creation of 2,000 jobs across the UK, including up to 300 at a factory in Hebburn, South Tyneside.




Often when these big companies make these claims about job creation, they never happen, they just say it to get the business in the first place.

Meanwhile a plant such as Derby which has evolved over many decades and one which the town has been built around, is left to wither and eventually die. I wonder how long the Hebburn place will be open, will it still be here when the carriages have been built or will Seimens be building another factory in another country where they have one another big government contract?

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Just ignore Wednesday1 and it will go away.


It will never let facts get in the way of a good tory bashing thread.


Firstly this is old news we all knew this was going to Seimens months ago. Its business. Government is going to invest a lot of our money into this project and Seimens had a better product offering and in the governments own words offered "better value for money"


Secondly, Bombardier is still foreign owned just like Seimens so it makes no difference for our Country who the contract was awarded to. As others have said, show me a world leading rolling stock company that is UK owned and the government may have had some "moral" obligation. There isn't so they didn't.


Thirdly, whilst I am sure it is disappointing news for Bombardier and Derby its good news for those Seimens employees and the people of South Tyneside. The result alleged job losses/loss of supply chain will all balance out with the increase in job opportunities and supply chain for Seimens.


Stinks to me of Bombardier sour grapes and a little bit of crying to the media with an agenda. Maybe Bombardier has a few red rose supporters as union leaders.


Its business. They didn't deliver and lost the contract. Boo Hoo.

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As far as I can see there will only be 300 jobs created at Hebburn, please provide a link showing where these other 1700 jobs will be.




One foreign company wins a contract another foreign company looses.

Bombardier Transportation (Berlin) have already announced 1100 jobs going.

Instead of one train manufacturing company there will be two in the UK.

Bombardier Transportation (Berlin) will bid to get contracts for the much more lucrative Crossrail.

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Just ignore Wednesday1 and it will go away.


It will never let facts get in the way of a good tory bashing thread.


Firstly this is old news we all knew this was going to Seimens months ago. Its business. Government is going to invest a lot of our money into this project and Seimens had a better product offering and in the governments own words offered "better value for money"


Secondly, Bombardier is still foreign owned just like Seimens so it makes no difference for our Country who the contract was awarded to. As others have said, show me a world leading rolling stock company that is UK owned and the government may have had some "moral" obligation. There isn't so they didn't.


Thirdly, whilst I am sure it is disappointing news for Bombardier and Derby its good news for those Seimens employees and the people of South Tyneside. The result alleged job losses/loss of supply chain will all balance out with the increase in job opportunities and supply chain for Seimens.


Stinks to me of Bombardier sour grapes and a little bit of crying to the media with an agenda. Maybe Bombardier has a few red rose supporters as union leaders.


Its business. They didn't deliver and lost the contract. Boo Hoo.



:hihi:Another well thought out post Tory Boy2!:loopy:

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Oh on a side note.


All those "years of evolving" that the Derby Plant did was primarilly funded by us anyway. British Rail kept it going to donkeys right until the 90s. Maybe its just a sign that Bombardier cannot stand on their own to feet without the constant teat of mother government.


After all, I dont remember Siemens or any of the other carraigework contractors having a tantrum when they lost out on this contract.....




Or come to mention it, any negativilty when Bombardier did their gready, smug gladhanding when they won the 3.4 billion metronet contract or the 188 million Southern Rail contract.


Oops of course - the Metronet subsidary collapsed... but of course that's nothing to do with things is it. Its all the government fault :roll:

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