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Want to go out


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Hiya lunix


Why dont you come to one of the unofficial meets? There is a meet tonight at the Dev Cat, starting at 8.




Or you could go to either one of the ones organised for 4th March





If you ask, im sure someone will be kind enough to meet up with you before the meet, if your too shy to go by yourself.


Hope this helps



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I did the same and moved to Sheffield for work not knowing anyone or anywhere. Still here though and still looking for some like minded people. Always feel like such a nonce putting on a site I want friends. What are these meets like? How many people show up and is it friendly to newbies?


Also know a girl from work went to a group at Ha Ha on Friday but had no idea who was supposed to be there, and no group like lookings there, even after 50mins, so left. It was supposed to have been on this forum. How socially embarrassing would that be?? Was anybody there?

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