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Darkness concert at Hallam Fm Arena


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Oh I do wish people would get off their high horse!


But when people come on a DARKNESS thread and start giving it all this holier than thou 'let's talk about decent music' stuff then why don't you bugger off and start your own thread.)


Hear hear !! This forum is full of people posting negative comments on threads that they really have no interest in though ;) Fair enough, if people went to the gig and want to post negative comments, cool !! But thats not what happens....

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Oh but wait goldenfleece is too cool for the Arctic Monkeys so he must be some ice cool musical connoisseur!


I don't care if it's not 'cool' to like The Darkness I just like them for what they are bloody good showmans and musicians.



Never said it was not COOL to like them, Just to clear that point.....it may be cool indeed to like them, that was not the issue.


(Oh and DONT get me started on the Arctic Monkeys PLEASE)


Ice cool musical connoisseur??....indeed, that may be true. The gentle waft of CHOPIN emanates from the hi-fi as I sip my dry Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred. Beethovens Fifth next I think.......

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I'm not a huge fan of the darkness but I worked at the arena before and after the gig putting up the stage. Turned up early to catch the last twenty minutes or so and I have to say I was impressed. They not only play their songs but they put on a fantastic show with all their lights, flames and fireworks etc. Was a right effort to put it all up though, what with the massive organ, the runners for the 'boobs' and the pitchfork trussels (scaffolds that support the lights.) Was even more so impressed with Justin Hawkins - a great showman who's fantastic on the guitar, never missed a note and really got the crowd going. Compare all that to Oasis, who turned up on thursday and stood on the spot for a hour and a half looking grumpy and miserable in the dark (comparibly. Don't get me wrong I'm a massive fan. Talking of shameless copying........!) But in all the extravagance you do see how it might have been possibe for the darkness to forget about what's important: the music, which might explain why they've gone bust and are about to loose their record contract.


Althought it should be said, the darkness never set out to be original. The band have clearly stated in the past their musical influences and have always been open about pinching riffs etc from their idols (who I think are perfectly obvious from their hair, clothes and on stage antics), very much like oasis with the beatles. Yet somehow it's alright for Liam Gallagher to swagger around like Ian Brown wearing a pair of Lennons!! I think someone famous once said that every riff or chord pattern had been done in the 70's. I think it's impossible to be musically original nowadays. Without knowing it you nick stuff, all you can do is put your personal twist on it.

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I'll bet that most people who slag off the Darkness haven't actually seen them live or heard much of their material! No they're not a serious band, nor do they take themselves seriously - so lighten up! If you don't like them that's fine, a lot of people probably don't like the bands who you like either.


I was at the gig on Saturday and they were thoroughly entertaining, as well as amusing, for over 90 minutes. Just about everybody who was there went home happy, and at the end of the day that's what it's all about really...

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People dont like fun bands anymore it seems. im not a huge fan of the darkness (the vocals put me well off) and yes they are musically ac/dc for 90% of their songs but damn they are entertaining and give it all they have got, they arent trying or claiming to be anything they arent they are just having fun playing the music they love.


And the comment about what a great show they put on and the comparisions to oasis's 'stand on the spot' routine amused me. :hihi:

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Ice cool musical connoisseur??....indeed, that may be true. The gentle waft of CHOPIN emanates from the hi-fi as I sip my dry Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred. Beethovens Fifth next I think.......


Guess you aren't aware that shaking a martini isn't the way they were originally intended to be drunk, and ruins the taste of the drink. It also dilutes the spirit which defeats the object of the martini. James Bond had it all wrong. :hihi:

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Guess you aren't aware that shaking a martini isn't the way they were originally intended to be drunk, and ruins the taste of the drink. It also dilutes the spirit which defeats the object of the martini. James Bond had it all wrong. :hihi:


That was actually a joke......I hate Martini!!!! Its just readily identifiable as being 'ultra cool' if you order it in a bar.

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