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Iran's New President

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Iran have voted in their new President, Hassan Rouhani.


Guardian - Iran: Hassan Rouhani wins presidential election

Telegraph - Hassan Rowhani wins the Iranian presidential election


He's a "moderate", one of those words that means very little until you understand the context of who is considered extreme.


I feel it is good news in a way. Going to have a read on the subject. My ignorance is still vast.

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The bad news is that he has very little if any power at all.

Their elections are a joke.

True, true.


However he does have some influence. He doesn't have the same desire for antagonism that Ahmadinejad had.


Iran has also recently promised to aid Syria with troops [source], which isn't great news.

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Their elections are a joke.


I blame the CIA for that.


Obama admits involvement in Iran coup


US President Barack Obama made a major gesture of conciliation to Iran today when he admitted US involvement in the 1953 coup which overthrew the government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh.


"In the middle of the Cold War, the United States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government," Mr Obama said during his keynote speech to the Muslim world in Cairo.


It is the first time a serving US president has publicly admitted American involvement in the coup.


The CIA, with British backing, masterminded the coup after Mossadegh nationalised the oil industry, run until then in by the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.


For many Iranians, the coup demonstrated duplicity by the United States, which presented itself as a defender of freedom but did not hesitate to use underhand methods to get rid of a democratically elected government to suit its own economic and strategic interests.


LINK (Telegraph, June 05, 2009)



Why do they hate us in Iran. Oh.... it must be our freedoms they hate. :rolleyes:


Destabilizing their democratically elected government to install the Shah as a U.S. puppet? Why would that annoy them?

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The good news is that he is a moderate. The bad news is that he has very little if any power at all.

Their elections are a joke.


The joke is that America is now going to arm the same people that commited 9/11, read Chris sleeps link.

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Why do they hate us in Iran. Oh.... it must be our freedoms they hate. :rolleyes:

I remember watching a documentary some years ago, about the book My Uncle Napoleon. There is a widespread cultural belief in Iran that the west are not friendly towards them, and somehow I don't blame them for thinking that.


However bad the Shah was, the Iranian Revolution didn't redress that.

The joke is that America is now going to arm the same people that commited 9/11

Maybe, maybe not. It's a risk that they're taking. Not all of Syria's rebel are Al-Qaeda. It's extremely complex.

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I blame the CIA for that.





seeing as people like you blame the CIA whenever you get up in the middle of the night and accidentally stub your toe, that doesn't mean very much.


perpetually bringing up a 60 year old coup d'etat as if it is of any relevance to today's Iran, which somebody or other can always be relied upon to do whenever Iran is mentioned in any topic header, is utterly pathetic.

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