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Steroid injection in knee

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Has anyone had a steroid injection in the knee.

I am due to have one on Thursday ,I am not so much worried about having it done but we are going away on Friday for the weekend and someone said its painful for a couple of days after, some people have whats called a flare up ,don't want to spoil the holiday.

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I suffer from tennis elbow and have had 2 injections on my elbow. They hurt a lot! But more importantly you need to rest for a few days afterwards. in your case this means keeping off your feet.

Could you rent a scooter or wheel chair perhaps.


Good luck

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Has anyone had a steroid injection in the knee.

I am due to have one on Thursday ,I am not so much worried about having it done but we are going away on Friday for the weekend and someone said its painful for a couple of days after, some people have whats called a flare up ,don't want to spoil the holiday.


ive had steroid injection in my knee before, the injection is not painful , but my knee and leg was quite painful for a few days afterwards just try and rest it.

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Had both knees done in the last couple of weeks and have experienced no problems whatsoever


Ah that's good to hear,tell me the gruesome details,Did it take your pain away.

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Ah that's good to hear,tell me the gruesome details,Did it take your pain away.


My experience it didn't hurt at all. . The swelling and pain in my knee dissappeared almost immediately. .. it lasted about 6weeks :)

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