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Avro Lancaster and Hawker Hurricanes!!

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Just for my personal edification...where do you see a square wingtip in the Hurricane photo I linked? Genuine question.


First off I meant squarer not square and we were comparing the silhouette of the Hurricane against the Spitfire and not the BF109 as someone tried to make out.

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Really-really? :D




ME109 (certain later variants of the ME109 had round wingtips as well)


Spitfire (certain later variants of the Spitfire had square 'clipped' wingtips as well)





your pic is exactly as I recall the Spitfire/Hurricane, the Spit wing tips are definitely more pointed that the Hurri which is more rounded that a very round thing..


I have a very large book somewhere (around 20"x12") with loads of pics of second world war fighters, each plane has three views- if I can find it i'll scan the Spitfire and Hurricane just to see for certain (the three views were side on, from above and head on)..


BTW, I do recall some Spitfires having clipped wingtips for low altitude flying..



Biggsy :)

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Here's a question, which was better, the Lancaster of the B17? The Lancaster was supposedly better to fly in terms of handling but the B17 was more rugged and would return home with big chunks missing out of it. Overall, I'd say the B17 was the more effective bomber

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