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Is there something spiders dont like?

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I need something which will keep spiders away surely there is such a product? In the same way midges don't like citronella. Where could I buy such a thing?


We have a bit of a problem similar to the movie arachnaphobia in that we seem to be overrun with the detestable creatures. I can only hope mine aren't deadly like in the film.


I know they catch flies & I know they're no physical threat to us but nonetheless I do NOT want them within 50yards of me.


We recently moved from a new build with solid floors where we barely saw 1 spider a month to an older house with floorboards & now my life is blighted.


I reckon we've killed about 50 in the last month. Now please don't say we shouldn't because if we hadn't we would now be sharing our home with 50 of the most huge monstrosities you've ever had the misfortune to see. They would be hanging from every corner of every room in the house and I would've packed up & left lol.


We have a mixture of two different kinds. One is about the size of a £2 coin has a great big bulbous body & can run like usain bolt on anabolic steroids & the other Is enormous. Has the leg span of a tea cup saucer (no exaggeration) this one has a tiny body. It looks very cumbersome seems to fall over its own ridiculously huge legs, doesn't move very quick, but given its size surprisingly it can dangle from a web better than cirque du soliel's acrobatic team.


I'm tired of watching spider acrobatics & I'm tired of being chased by spider bolt (it happens, it really happens, when I chase the fast ones with a shoe they turn about & chase me) one night I hit one plum on its over inflated bum with a shoe & when I lifted the weapon there was nothing there. I didn't sleep that night.


My O/H is adamant theres an arachnaphobia type nest somewhere in the house. I hope with all my heart he's wrong.


Surely there is something I can do or buy to keep them at bay?? Please help.....please.

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I need something which will keep spiders away surely there is such a product? In the same way midges don't like citronella. Where could I buy such a thing?


Simple answer ... swallow a

! The answer's in there somewhere! :idea:

(not suggesting you're an old lady) :)

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My O/H is adamant theres an arachnaphobia type nest somewhere in the house. I hope with all my heart he's wrong.


Surely there is something I can do or buy to keep them at bay?? Please help.....please.


Isn't this what your O/H is for?


I suspect my only use in our house is to remove creepy crawlies.



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