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How councils waste your money

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At the end of the day, waste seen in this programme should not and cannot go on.


How can councils cut front line services affecting the most vulnerable yet keep all their perks? Obviously most don't give a toss for the people who pay their hugely inflated wages.


Wages at the top-end are hugely inflated. How can heads of local councils justify wages that are higher then the Prime Minister of the UK. Now you could say he doesn't justify his salary anyway which I would agree on (well at least the 2 PMs previous to him didn't either) but how can a tin-pot council official justify this money when council tax has doubled since 1997 and the cost is particularly bad for the old. 2525 council employees earns over £100,000 in 2011/12, whilst 636 earnt more then £150,000 and 42 received over £250,000. Then there's all the perks, expenses etc that are costing us a small fortune.


The level of UK debt is rising all the time by over £100 billion per year. No council in the UK can justify waste whilst demanding more out of our pockets. We haven't got any more to give!

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Wages at the top-end are hugely inflated. How can heads of local councils justify wages that are higher then the Prime Minister of the UK...

Now that, perhaps is what we need to audit.

What is it that these people do?

Are they doing it efficiently and are we getting value for money?

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I don't need to. Lord Leveson has already looked into it.


Into auditing of council spending? Do try to stay on topic.


---------- Post added 20-06-2013 at 00:29 ----------


Now that, perhaps is what we need to audit.

What is it that these people do?

Are they doing it efficiently and are we getting value for money?


Run a business spending £millions a year on wages considerably less than the private sector pays - best comparison might be gas / electric / water as these companies have a pretty captive market similar to councils.

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