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Free range eggs

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Anyone know where to get Free range eggs from farms etc not shops!!


I've been getting my eggs from here since hearing about supermarket 'free range': http://www.traceyslilfarm.co.uk/


Quoted from Tracey's Email to me:

Our birds are free range during the day allowing them to forage for bugs and eat plants/grass. They are also fed on good quality layers pellets, have access to fresh water and have fresh veg/fruit daily. They are locked away at night (when its dark) in suitablely sized accommodation so they are safe from predictors and let back out at 6am. They have access to their accommodation throuhhtout the day as well as having access to shelter should it be bad weather.


I was after proper free range eggs from pastured hens after reading about the nutritional benefits (here) - I didn't even know about that de-beaking thing - OMG that's awful! :( thanks, for the info, onewheeldave

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