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Ghost around Rotherham

roth ghost

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  • 8 months later...

i have lived at anston for 15 years, and i have never actually seen anything ghostly at the stones. my friends have claimed though to have seen the padfoot or the hounted dog (what ever you want to call it)



and to clear up any confusion, dead mans cave doesnt go down deep under ground, it is only about 5m squared and not deep at all.



why is it called dead mans cave anyway?

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i have lived at anston for 15 years, and i have never actually seen anything ghostly at the stones. my friends have claimed though to have seen the padfoot or the hounted dog (what ever you want to call it)



and to clear up any confusion, dead mans cave doesnt go down deep under ground, it is only about 5m squared and not deep at all.



why is it called dead mans cave anyway?

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In 1969 I was a probationer constable in the Sheffield and Rotherham Police. On my first shift I was accompanied by an old Sergeant who, whilst we were walking along Moorgate, introduced me too a man called Bob Moodle, Moodle had been an old timer when my Sergeant was starting out, so Bob must have been a copper in the 20s/30s. When he had gone The Sergeant told me a story of how Moodle had one night been having a smoke at the rear of a small chapel off Moorgate (still there, behind the monumemntal masons shop), he was stood in the chapel yard near some gravestones, when from behind a gravestone a dwarf dressed in a top hat came out and attacked him! Moodle ran away to the old Frederick Street police station. Moodle served for many more years in Rotherham and had a distinguished record. He always refused to work Moorgate beat at night however.


I worked Moorgate beat for a number of years and often went for a fag in the chapel yard, whilst i was aware of the story i often felt drawn to the place and was never afraid until one night in about 1974 I was looking out over Canklow and heard a noise behind me, turning i caught the sight of a very small man walking away from me towards Moorgate, he appeared to have a stove pipe type hat on, aware of the story of Moodles ghost I followed and as I turned into Moorgate found no one. I did not take the matter further as i was about to resign from the Police service and did not want the hassle.


Whether what I saw was my imagination running wild i dont know, but i had been down to the chapel yard numerous times and seen nothing, all I know is that the man walked from the direction of a gravestone that bears the inscription " Lord Billy Lee erected by his friends from the circus"

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hi all, im a newbie to this forum but had to register to have a say in ghost sightings!


On the 10th april me and a few friends decided to take a trip to packman lane, me and my boyfriend was in my car, along with the other 4 cars in tow, unfortunatly we had no such look on the ghost sightings at all although something weird happened on the way back.


As i was driving away from packman lane back down towards the railway line, just before the crossroads junction where the young boy died, my boyfriend was quiet, when we approached the crossroads junction by boyfriend started to talk about the young boy that died there, he gave me details of how the boy died, where the boy was found, that it was a male driver, said the boy had been dragged 3/4 of a mile down the road and that the boy was actually walking home from a friends house. anyway as we approached the railway line my boyfriend looked awfully pale, he then said to me "you have drove off packman lane quick" i said i was just driving normally off the road where he began to say that the last time he remembered something was seeing the bench before the crossroads and had only returned "back to normal" as we drove over the railway line to turn left, as we turned left off the lane my boyfriend said he was cold, i felt him and he was really stone cold so i put the cars heaters on full whack, after about a minute of saying he was cold he said he was really really tired and felt drained as soon as he had said that to me he had fallen asleep, 5 minutes later he woke up bright breezy, not tired and no longer cold.


I initially thought that he was just trying to scare me or wind me up, which it did but the way he was speaking to me about the young boy with his eyes just gazing forward into the road without looking at me plus with him going cold and going really sleepy and also the fact that my bloke had tears in his eyes and was quiet all the way back to sheffield made me even more freaked out but the really freaky thing is......... is he had no idea about the boy who died or how he had died but had come out with everything what had happened to the boy.


I know people have had the two other ghost sightings but can anyone tell me any information about the boy that died, i do really reckon that as soon as we passed the bench my boyfriend had become possessed or someone was telling him the story and told me exactly what had happened, really freaked out guys had to sleep with light on!

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Jon, Angelus et al., what's the link to the Packman pictures - would be really interested to see them.


BTW, do you know about theories several local historians independently put forward a few years ago about a possible major battle in the vacinity of Kiveton/Wales in the 8th/9th century, and that there may have been a mass grave site in the southern part of the former colliery site?


Quite a convincing argument, based on medieval fieldnames, but a few of our volunteers are doing more detailed research into it at the moment.



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  • 1 year later...

just stumbled across this forum and read the posts relating to strange stuff happening in the wentworth/hoober area.


I live in the Village and worked at the garden centre where I have heard stories of victorian dressed figures being seen in the gardens (one by a member of staff who was shooting magpies in the early evening and saw a victorian style man walk passed him dressed in funeral bearer style clothes and one by a little boy who told his mum he saw a man in old clothes,his mum however didnt see anyone.)


I drive up hague lane and cortworth lane at all times of the day and night on a regular basis and have never seen anything out of the ordinary apart from once. Me and a friend were driving up cortworth lane (just passed the woodhouse entrance where the wall is always collapsed due to car crashes) when i suddenly saw a black figure jump through the gap in the wall and into the grounds. I only saw it for a split second and it was extremely quick. I didnt say anything for a minute until my friend asked if i had seen something jump through the wall. This made me feel very uneasy knowing that we had both seen it. Anyway iv never seen anything else but it gives me chills down my spine when i pass now!Also iv been up to hoober stand many times and the last time i went was on a sunday during the day when i got an 'uneasy' feeling which made me leave in a hurry!I also was checking out the tunnel entrance next to hoober stand (which apparently leads to wath?) when i got the feeling i was being watched so i did a runner!My girlfriend says her gran went down the tunnel before it was sealed off and said it leads to where a manor house once stood in wath. It may also lead to wentworth woodhouse, wentworth church and kirkstead abby mews (former kirkstead abby) as i know there are tunnels under there too. Apparently the tunnels were used originally by monks who were escaping the crusades and then later by lords to visit their mistress's.

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To build a tunnel to Wakefield would take a lot of doing. When dod the monks try to "escape" from the crusades.?


There is quite a bit of Special forces type training goes on in the area and it may be you saw a ninja.

just stumbled across this forum and read the posts relating to strange stuff happening in the wentworth/hoober area.


I live in the Village and worked at the garden centre where I have heard stories of victorian dressed figures being seen in the gardens (one by a member of staff who was shooting magpies in the early evening and saw a victorian style man walk passed him dressed in funeral bearer style clothes and one by a little boy who told his mum he saw a man in old clothes,his mum however didnt see anyone.)


I drive up hague lane and cortworth lane at all times of the day and night on a regular basis and have never seen anything out of the ordinary apart from once. Me and a friend were driving up cortworth lane (just passed the woodhouse entrance where the wall is always collapsed due to car crashes) when i suddenly saw a black figure jump through the gap in the wall and into the grounds. I only saw it for a split second and it was extremely quick. I didnt say anything for a minute until my friend asked if i had seen something jump through the wall. This made me feel very uneasy knowing that we had both seen it. Anyway iv never seen anything else but it gives me chills down my spine when i pass now!Also iv been up to hoober stand many times and the last time i went was on a sunday during the day when i got an 'uneasy' feeling which made me leave in a hurry!I also was checking out the tunnel entrance next to hoober stand (which apparently leads to wath?) when i got the feeling i was being watched so i did a runner!My girlfriend says her gran went down the tunnel before it was sealed off and said it leads to where a manor house once stood in wath. It may also lead to wentworth woodhouse, wentworth church and kirkstead abby mews (former kirkstead abby) as i know there are tunnels under there too. Apparently the tunnels were used originally by monks who were escaping the crusades and then later by lords to visit their mistress's.

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I have no idea when the monks 'escaped' the crusades or even if its true,its only what iv heard in stories. I never mentioned that any tunnels went to wakefield though?they could do for all I know,very much doubt it though.As for the special forces stuff I don't think thats very accurate,I cant quite see the SAS running around wentworth at night, and I dont think they have 'ninjas' in the special forces.

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My uncle was a Ninja attached to Special Forces and regulalrly trained in the area. Many was the time we used to meet him in the Red Lion after he had completed a day Ninjaing. His speciality was camouflage and it could be quite embarassing sitting talking, apparently to a chair.

I have no idea when the monks 'escaped' the crusades or even if its true,its only what iv heard in stories. I never mentioned that any tunnels went to wakefield though?they could do for all I know,very much doubt it though.As for the special forces stuff I don't think thats very accurate,I cant quite see the SAS running around wentworth at night, and I dont think they have 'ninjas' in the special forces.
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