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Poor White children perform worst at school

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So why is this?


Surely with the advantage of having English as their first language, white children should be out-performing other Ethnic Minorities.


If I went to school in Asia, I somehow don't see me overtaking the locals that quickly.


I just don't get this, it's no wonder employers seem to want to employ people from abroad in such numbers.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2342520/Poor-white-children-likely-succeed-ethnic-group-warns-chief-inspector-schools.html

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It is a conundrum, and the relative low achievement of poor white children, particularly boys is complex and happening for quite a number of years.


I do think that the lack of appropiate role models, and low expectations of society are relevant. Some youngsters will achieve high grades in spite of coming from a poor background and not having parents that have good connections, but it does make it all the more harder.


Interesting though that the linked article names rural areas and coastal towns as having particular problems - many areas such as these are deprived

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Surely with the advantage of having English as their first language, white children should be out-performing other Ethnic Minorities.


English will be a first language for most ethnic minority kids born here. Many will be bilingual, maybe trilingual, as they may speak Urdu, Somali, Polish, Chinese or whatever at home and English elsewhere.


A lot of ethnic minority kids don't have the philistine attitude that a lot of white kids, especially white boys, have, that education's for wimps. I was on a tram a few weeks ago and a black kid aged about 15 was saying he wanted to go to London to start a business when he leaves school. Immigrants come here to make a go of it and their kids can take on that challenge.

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So why is this?


Lack of incentive/encouragement?


Most chav parents don't strike me as the type who would help with their children's "edukasion". Or give a damn.


---------- Post added 18-06-2013 at 21:03 ----------


if there's an issue the group struggling should have more resources thrown at them.


Yeah, because that always works. :rolleyes:


Damning indictment for Labour's record on schools as grades barely improve despite spending being doubled [Telegraph, 2 December 2009]

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We're talking here about kids that start school who aren't toilet trained and who leave at 16 (if they stay at school that long) not able to read or write properly.

This is 100% down to inadequate parenting, the benefits culture or parents being too young when they start having kids and absolutely 'naff' all to do with university fees !!!

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We're talking here about kids that start school who aren't toilet trained and who leave at 16 (if they stay at school that long) not able to read or write properly.

This is 100% down to inadequate parenting, the benefits culture or parents being too young when they start having kids and absolutely 'naff' all to do with university fees !!!


I agree, but what happens is that the Government gets the schools to try and take over the role of the parents, rather than a kick up the backside of the parents.

We recently had kids not able to swim, blame the schools, but it should be the parents!!!!!

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I agree, but what happens is that the Government gets the schools to try and take over the role of the parents, rather than a kick up the backside of the parents.

We recently had kids not able to swim, blame the schools, but it should be the parents!!!!!


I guess somebody has to try with these kids and if the parents can't or won't be bothered then the Government is the fallback for everything else that happens in their lives.

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I guess somebody has to try with these kids and if the parents can't or won't be bothered then the Government is the fallback for everything else that happens in their lives.


As a last resort, because if the parents are not held responsible, they just have more.

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