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UK ISP's Combat Internet Child Abuse

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UK ISPs BT, Sky, Talktalk and Virgin Media pledge £1m to tackle online child abuse...




Don't think it will work and the money they are committing is a joke, this should have been done over a decade ago :huh:


Well said Bedders. It's the only thing that should be banned of the internet. But, the powers that be have allowed it. I wonder why that is . . .

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New title: UK ISPs BT, Sky, Talktalk and Virgin Media pledge £1m to tackle online child abuse which they should have done over a decade ago


Just think of how many lives they COULD have helped! But no, at the time they were too caught up in trying to jail (and failing) downloaders (some of which were 'wardriven'!!!!!)... *sigh* this is what you get when you have VERY rich CORRUPT old people making decisions regarding any form of technology.


Still, better EXTREMELY late than never I guess.

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See although I applaud the notion of them trying to combat this, it worries me on the method(s) they'll use to do so.


To do it effectively they're going to need to ACTIVELY monitor EVERYONE using their ISP and use active filtration methods. When a private company is given permission to decide what you can view on the internet then we're heading down a VERY slippery slope.


I agree that they need to do something and I'm not saying they shouldn't, it's just that to do it they're effectively going to have to 'demonise' everyone. Casting a big net over all using guilty until proven innocent terms.

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