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NBA Finals - anybody else excited?

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I know there are quite a few of basketball fans on here, what did you make of last night's game 6? Absolutely insane wasn't it!


What amazed me most was that Manu Ginobili was absent again, everything he touched turned into manure. The Heat came good on their promise that Green wouldn't have as much space again, but I reckon he could still have had far more looks, it seemed to me that the Spurs were riding Duncan in the first half (he was awesome, no doubt) but that might have put the role players out of sync a bit.


Wade was poor again, his knee clearly is bothering him, although he defended well at times, Lebron was a mixed bag and I reckon he will have to play smarter if they want that extra ring. For me the man of the game was Diaw, he kept James on a short leash, unsettling his game and had some great assists to boot. I was also impressed by Leonard, that kid is a future all-star and Bosh, he didn't do a lot all game except for defend and boy did he pull off some great clutch plays at the end!


Final mention for Ray Allen, how he got away with that foul on Manu in the final play annoyed me, but he is ice-cold.


It is a really exciting series so far and I can't wait for Friday morning to see how it will unfold, if I was a betting man I'd put it on Spurs, I think if Manu, Green or Neal actually step up and start scoring from the outside like they can than I don't see how the Heat can stop them. But it is all a big ask and this series is a real close thing!

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