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Does the moon affect the human body?

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Don't let all this scientific mumbo-jumbo detract from the OP .....



The effect of mooning totally depends upon the relative dimensions of the human body.


The effect is also proportional (positive and negative) to how hot the body is.


Exactly, scientific mumbo-jumbo!


The boffins in white coats would have us believe that some magical force from the Earth is pulling us one way while another mystical force from the Moon is trying to pull us the other way!


They must take us for fools, surely we'd all be walking around like stretched, floppy people if it were true!


I for one shall be keeping my mind safely closed from their nonsense :rant:

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I mention the fact Im a witch because my friends on the ward ask me when the moon is going to be full which is something I can tell them . There are so many times certain patients , not all ,react strangely when the moon is full. Some become agitated & cant sleep at all & are wandering around the ward. But it is not every patient I do admit . Not that I feel that you respect anything I say anyway .


It's probably something that google can tell them just as easily, or possibly even a calendar.


---------- Post added 22-06-2013 at 12:47 ----------


yes. but you can't feel it's weight


More importantly to this discussion, you can't feel the gravitational attraction between yourself and it.

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A Lot of my family are affected by the moon, and other atmospheric changes, like, I could not sleep on the summer solstice, I tried, and tried, but just couldn't, I didn't even really feel tired the next day either..


as for the moon, it makes some of the family really grumpy and moody on full moons, it makes me feel a little depressed, and sends one of my cousins crazy! :)

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Obviously you can or you wouldn't feel it at all.


no. roll up your sleeve and shut your eyes. get a friend to lightly touch a single hair on your forearm with a cocktail stick or similar, without actually touching your skin. feel it?


it is that movement of hair which is picked up by nerve endings around the hair follicle - that is what you feel when a fly lands on your arm.

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no. roll up your sleeve and shut your eyes. get a friend to lightly touch a single hair on your forearm with a cocktail stick or similar, without actually touching your skin. feel it?


it is that movement of hair which is picked up by nerve endings around the hair follicle - that is what you feel when a fly lands on your arm.


Then you can feel it's weight on your arm, it's touching you.

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