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Does the moon affect the human body?

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A Lot of my family are affected by the moon, and other atmospheric changes, like, I could not sleep on the summer solstice, I tried, and tried, but just couldn't, I didn't even really feel tired the next day either..


as for the moon, it makes some of the family really grumpy and moody on full moons, it makes me feel a little depressed, and sends one of my cousins crazy! :)


If nobody had told you that it was the summer solstice I expect you'd have slept just fine. Unless you've had trouble sleeping for weeks of course, due to the light evenings and mornings.

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  • 1 month later...
Well, this is interesting. After my naysaying, there might be something in it after all.



Maybe the body gets in tune with the changes in light levels over the lunar cycle and the body is nore disturbed and sleeps for less time when it is lighter outside. (Could this be genetic, developed by evolution over the millennia during which we needed to be light sleepers during full moons to catch food or avoid becoming food).


Then, because this cycle is so ingrained we follow the same pattern even when we are in a sealed room away from direct moonlight. Maybe.

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