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Your first sheffield job


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In 1960 - I remember a Mr Britland and Mrs Evans and Mrs Gay and Roger Tordoff. I also remember Christine Shaw (lived at High Green) and my friend Bernadette Barlow (lived at Walkley - her dad manager of Ponsfords) To enter the Barrack from the bottom road you went up a steep incline with the tall turrets (flats) flanking the archway. The office block was to the left.


Do you recall a rep named Fred Norton who worked for Burdalls during the late 50's early 60's?

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hi my first job in 1959 was at Baltic bakery Attercliffe common good fun I was 15 it was time when the older workers looked out for the younsters good times xx



My first job was working in Talbots butchers in Attercliffe as a Saturday lad. I was in the pork butchers next to the bigger shop and one of my jobs was to walk up the back alley and collect trays of breadcakes from Baltic bakery. That was about 1975 and I got about 3 quid for the day, loads a money!

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Do you recall a rep named Fred Norton who worked for Burdalls during the late 50's early 60's?


Sorry no, we were not allowed to wander about much and I was only just 15, straight from school and quite shy. I only stayed at Burdalls for 9 months as I had been trained as a secretary at school, so looked for a secretarial job as my dad had returned to work. I had taken the Burdalls job as it paid higher than secretarial jobs, because my family needed the money as dad had been off work for 2 years. My pay packet was given unopened to my mum each week and remained so until I was nearly 19 (I got 10 shillings for lunch, clothes and going out. I wonder how many today would do the same?

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Sorry no, we were not allowed to wander about much and I was only just 15, straight from school and quite shy. I only stayed at Burdalls for 9 months as I had been trained as a secretary at school, so looked for a secretarial job as my dad had returned to work. I had taken the Burdalls job as it paid higher than secretarial jobs, because my family needed the money as dad had been off work for 2 years. My pay packet was given unopened to my mum each week and remained so until I was nearly 19 (I got 10 shillings for lunch, clothes and going out. I wonder how many today would do the same?


Thanks for that. I opened my first pay packet (1965) to purchase a bunch of flowers for my mum as I walked down to Pond Street to catch the 34 bus home.

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May 1970 aged 15, Houlder bros Shipping and Export company on Norfolk row(above Ideal salons) Sheffield.I earned £5 per week as typist/telex operator plus a 15p per day luncheon voucher and had an hour and a half dinner,on Wed (I think) I would go to the Top Rank on my lunch and have a dance and a non alchoholic drink with my mates and then back to work.

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my first job was at carters on Attercliffe (little liver pills) I was 14 it was in 1945, my wage was14 shillings and a penny today's equivalent 71 pence that was 8 to 5 Monday to Friday packing gravy salt

I remember hearing a story about a guy who took Carters Little Liver Pills all his life, and he lived to a hundred and one. When he died they had to beat his liver to death with a stick.

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Delivering Betterware catalogues on foot at the age of 16. I was given just one road to cover and then told to avoid half the houses on it. I delivered them and then returned a few days later and worked out that my time and effort had made me a grand total of £4. I quit the next day and they still owe me £4.

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my first was at timpsons barkers pool in july 1974,went for my interveiw dressed in totone trousers.ben serman shirt,black brogues + black cromby and hair down to my shoulders my then to be boss said if you nip up stairs to sweenys(interveiw was at timpsons at haymarket)they would pay 4 hair cut the job was mine..Iend up a manager and worked for them till mid 80s :cool:

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