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Wearing a mask to a riot to become a criminal act in Canada

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They choose not to because they will lose their jobs for doing something that is not against the law.


Can you provide any examples of people who've lost their jobs as a result of peaceful political protest?

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Can you provide any examples of people who've lost their jobs as a result of peaceful political protest?


No but I could provide examples of people who've lost their jobs as a result of peaceful political membership.

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Of extremist organisations whose raison d'etre is to promote hatred.


No, just legal political parties, ironic isn’t it that in a democracy one can still lose ones job for being a member of a recognised political party.

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I assume it relates to anything that is used to conceal the identity of those in unlawful protest.


So does this apply to burka's and other items of religious dress that conceal identity?


No, but according to the link proof must be provided that you are covered for that reason.

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The reason they want to make face masks illegal is to allow the mass collection of personal data using facial recognition technology. It's not about individual LEO's clocking a perp, it's about building up databases of bulk information on citizens.

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The reason they want to make face masks illegal is to allow the mass collection of personal data using facial recognition technology. It's not about individual LEO's clocking a perp, it's about building up databases of bulk information on citizens.


You do realise that this is a thread about Canada, don't you?

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The wording of the thread title is confusing. ? Like:

What you wearing to the riot mate? Oh I dunno. Usual clobber


When's the next riot anyways? Well we have two scheduled. Ottawa Dec 6th at 2:00 PM and Toronto Dec 10th at 4:00 PM. Sorry no masks allowed this year but nose covers and ear muffs okay if temps are minus 25 or below on those days

We apologise to those who have traditionally chosen to wear masks. However we assume absolutely no responsibility for those of you who nevertheless decide to start fires, smash shop windows, do a little looting, assault police officers and urinate on the sidewalks. If you are later identified that's your problem



Our Chairman Alf Snott meanwhile is working to get the ban on masks rescinded. As Alf recently stated "This is oppressive big brother government at it's very worst"

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Personally I find the masks threatening......in fact I find anyone covering their face threatening or at least disconcerting...


though I can understand why people protesting peacefully might not want to be filmed...and yes I know of people in the eighties who were warned by employers after peaceful protest......

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