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Australian state to outlaw un-vaccinated children from daycare

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From your link:


"1,968 cases of possible side effects, including body pain, have been reported."


"in Japan... about 2,700 die annually [from cervical cancer]"


Doesn't that mean that even if you were right about the side effects, it would still be worth taking the vaccine?


So even if you were right, you'd still be wrong!

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On the assumption that vaccines prevent disease.


right so diseases like smallpox eradicated themselves didn't they :roll:


---------- Post added 20-06-2013 at 21:02 ----------


Kids get jellybeans whenever they get a jab. :)


I think this chart tells a great story




Great link that does more to show the effect of modern day inoculations than any words. Its just a shame some people would prefer to put their children at risk because of their own ignorance.

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Is there a correlation between taking a flu vax and protection from the flu,not that i'm aware of anyway. So why undergo a medical procedure and all the risks for a doubtful claim of prevention?

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I think that statistically its something like if 85% of a population are vaccinated there is unlikely to be an epidemic


the biggest fear is an epidemic or pandemic in the case of flu


Some people will always be excluded from vaccinations due to allergies eg flu:eggs/certain antibiotics.....or other conditions where they are as individuals more at risk from the immunisation than the disease

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