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Who is Barry Soetoro?

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One of the (few) good things about the LT is the 'arse-comfort' level. :)


I can ride 500 or more miles on it and get off without feeling that I've been belted on the bum many times with a girder!


On the plus side, it's extremely comfortable, quiet and corners (too) well. (BMW adjusted the rake of the fork to improve the cornering - and overdid it.)


On the minus side:


1. The windshield attracts rain, which sticks in drops. (If you tilt the windshield back, the rain runs off - into your face.)(Apparently, CE Bailey make a windshield which works ... Why didn't BMW?)


2. Handling in the wet can be very interesting! (Twitchy front end. - 'Tank slap' at 60mph will keep you awake :hihi:)


3. The bike is too heavy (385Kg dry weight) for the front tyre - which has a very short tyre life.


I suspect that BMW replaced the K12 with the K16 (almost 100Kg lighter - just a few kilos more than my R1100) because of the weight problem.


I'll sell the K1200 when I go back to the US and I don't think I'll bother buying another bike there - the roads in Florida are too boring [especially compared to the roads here.]

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One of the (few) good things about the LT is the 'arse-comfort' level. :)


I can ride 500 or more miles on it and get off without feeling that I've been belted on the bum many times with a girder!


On the plus side, it's extremely comfortable, quiet and corners (too) well. (BMW adjusted the rake of the fork to improve the cornering - and overdid it.)


On the minus side:


1. The windshield attracts rain, which sticks in drops. (If you tilt the windshield back, the rain runs off - into your face.)(Apparently, CE Bailey make a windshield which works ... Why didn't BMW?)


2. Handling in the wet can be very interesting! (Twitchy front end. - 'Tank slap' at 60mph will keep you awake :hihi:)


3. The bike is too heavy (385Kg dry weight) for the front tyre - which has a very short tyre life.


I suspect that BMW replaced the K12 with the K16 (almost 100Kg lighter - just a few kilos more than my R1100) because of the weight problem.


I'll sell the K1200 when I go back to the US and I don't think I'll bother buying another bike there - the roads in Florida are too boring [especially compared to the roads here.]


I currently ride a V4R which weighs just shy of 180 kgs and turns in beautifully. I know a guy with a Goldwing and he tows a trailer with it which seems to defeat the object.

The British roads are totally different from those in the States. In the Peak District you need something that can punch you past cars on the country roads. If I'm going down a motorway I'd take the car.

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I currently ride a V4R which weighs just shy of 180 kgs and turns in beautifully. I know a guy with a Goldwing and he tows a trailer with it which seems to defeat the object.

The British roads are totally different from those in the States. In the Peak District you need something that can punch you past cars on the country roads. If I'm going down a motorway I'd take the car.




So go on, then, tell us all the latest conspiracy goss about Obama, I'm all ears. Is this all to do with, he's actually a Muslim, probably a member of a secret organisation formed to preside over the downfall of the USA, an Illuminati from the Planet Zog, and we also don't like him cos he's mixed race?


Or do you have something actually proven to be factual?


Like natjack says - are we talking standard issue conspiracy freakery or have you actually got anything worthwhile to talk about here?

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* Known as O'Bomber due to his preferred method of killing Muslims by bombing them in aerial drone attacks, despite persistent claims from political opponents that he's a Muslim and that his wife may or may not be a member of the Black Panthers.


I thought it was more to do with Frankie Boyle,

'May as well called himself, Muslim o Gunbomb'

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I was actually asking the OP, but if you want to enlighten me, I'm happy with that.


So go on, then, tell us all the latest conspiracy goss about Obama, I'm all ears. Is this all to do with, he's actually a Muslim, probably a member of a secret organisation formed to preside over the downfall of the USA, an Illuminati from the Planet Zog, and we also don't like him cos he's mixed race?


Or do you have something actually proven to be factual?


I suspect that the next 'scandal' may have something to do with what happened in Benghazi and although Obama would (ultimately) be implicated in that, the main target would be 'Sorry, I mis-spoke' Clinton.

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I suspect that the next 'scandal' may have something to do with what happened in Benghazi and although Obama would (ultimately) be implicated in that, the main target would be 'Sorry, I mis-spoke' Clinton.


While they're howling for Obama's blood over Benghazi why not at the same time open up a full enquiry into the circumstances leading up to 9/11.

How much was known to the authorities about Saudi students here on visas taking flying lessons at a private airfield in Fliorida? Flying lessons which did not include landing and take off procedures but instead empahsis on flying with auto pilot disconnected.


Someone was asleep on watch and we all know who that was. Not too late to haul him out of retirement and start answering a few questions himself

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While they're howling for Obama's blood over Benghazi why not at the same time open up a full enquiry into the circumstances leading up to 9/11.

How much was known to the authorities about Saudi students here on visas taking flying lessons at a private airfield in Fliorida? Flying lessons which did not include landing and take off procedures but instead empahsis on flying with auto pilot disconnected.


Someone was asleep on watch and we all know who that was. Not too late to haul him out of retirement and start answering a few questions himself


Err... Not quite. They were indeed Saudi Students and they were indeed on student visas. They weren't 'taking flying lessons at a private airfield in Florida' they were flight students at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University which - surprise, surprise - teaches people to fly(amongst other things.)


What would you expect students with student visas to do in a flying training school?

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Err... Not quite. They were indeed Saudi Students and they were indeed on student visas. They weren't 'taking flying lessons at a private airfield in Florida' they were flight students at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University which - surprise, surprise - teaches people to fly(amongst other things.)


What would you expect students with student visas to do in a flying training school?


According to reports the students werent giving much priority to learning to take off and land. Wouldn't mastering those two skills be a priority?.

Another report had it that the FBI were notified at some stage as to the behaviour of the students. As Harry S. once said 'the buck stops at the top"


Anyway if the Congress wants to pillory Obama over what happened in Benghazi then people need to answer for letting the second worst attack in history take place against the country

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According to reports the students werent giving much priority to learning to take off and land. Wouldn't mastering those two skills be a priority?.


The pilots I used to know always told me that first lessons are the use of the controls during flight (with the autopilot off), not take off and landing. Those are a lot more difficult, and you can't learn them without the experience and knowledge of how the controls operate during flight. If this is true, then I can definitely see the point in new students concentrating on learning to fly rather than prioritising take off / landing.

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The pilots I used to know always told me that first lessons are the use of the controls during flight (with the autopilot off), not take off and landing. Those are a lot more difficult, and you can't learn them without the experience and knowledge of how the controls operate during flight. If this is true, then I can definitely see the point in new students concentrating on learning to fly rather than prioritising take off / landing.


Only in this case they were learning how to fly planes into very tall buildings

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