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Only in this case they were learning how to fly planes into very tall buildings


But the skills to do that are the same as the ones used when avoiding flying into very tall buildings, skills that all pilots need.

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Anyway if the Congress wants to pillory Obama over what happened in Benghazi then people need to answer for letting the second worst attack in history take place against the country


Well, let's not use one (either one) to distract from the other.


You can't undo 9/11 so although there are probably very good arguments for an open in-depth investigation, it's not going to fix anything, nor is it likely to prevent any imminent terror attacks.


Obama is still in power and Miss Spoke is sitting in the wings, so - given that an investigation might prevent further outrageous behaviour [assuming such behaviour did indeed take place] perhaps that investigation should be carried out first?

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Well, let's not use one (either one) to distract from the other.


You can't undo 9/11 so although there are probably very good arguments for an open in-depth investigation, it's not going to fix anything, nor is it likely to prevent any imminent terror attacks.


Obama is still in power and Miss Spoke is sitting in the wings, so - given that an investigation might prevent further outrageous behaviour [assuming such behaviour did indeed take place] perhaps that investigation should be carried out first?


You cant undo Benghazi either.

While it's tragic that a US ambassador was killed I see the continuing outcry from the GOP Obama haters as a cause celebre they've jumped on as a means to bring that "uppity" President down. It's only Murdoch's loathsome Fox News channel and fat man Limbaugh who seem to keep harping on about the issue as far as media coverage is concerned


I've no time for partisan politics of this type and from what I undertstand the American public are tired of the infighting going on in Washington.

Did that opinion count for anything when Sarah Palin called on members of the Tea Party who got elected to Congress to "let's make sure Obama is a one term president"


What the hell is that supposed to mean? Forget the job they were elected to do and instead purposely sabotage any chance of useful and beneficial legislation getting through because Obama and the Democrats may have introduced it in the first place?


As I mentioned earlier thie current GOP dominated Congress is on record as being the most divisive and least productive of any Congress in the last 70 odd years

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