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Queen at Royal Ascot Races

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That is patently false, and a swift point to Edward VIII brings it down. A man born to a job, and absolutely ill suited to the task - through political and marital choices.


The argument that a monarch is a protection against politics is silly, because without politics we'd have a political monarch, and with a Royal constitution we still have politicians. We have the very thing you are arguing against - self-serving politicians.


Also, the weakness of democracy is not a defense of monarchy. It's like arguing apples are good because bananas are bad. We're all well aware of the problems of politicians, but I'd rather a man have power from the ballot than from the chance of popping out of the Royal womb.


A vote - in defense of not voting. ;)




What a great method of picking Heads of state. ;)


We don't apply it to bus drivers - no man ever got given the keys to a bus because his Dad was also a bus driver - but apparently it's a fine means of picking who should pilot the ship of state.


I will never in my life understand Royalism. I really won't. It is the most anachronistic set of thought outside religion. I find it madness beyond words.

And then we have the problem of who popped it into the Royal womb in the first place.

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