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Heating Allowance for All Pensioners.

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40 hours per week is a normal working week here and the minimum wage is the amount needed to live on, so therefore every oap should get the equivalent of 40 hours money at minimum wage and that should do it.


But the minimum wage takes into account that working people pay for bus fares, prescriptions etc, that pensioners get discounts on things and generally don't have a mortgage to pay hence it would inevitably be more than pension. Working people generally have higher living costs.




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I suggest you don't put a stamp on the letter. - Writing to a French MEP regarding something which is happening in the UK is unlikely to do much, IMO.




The UK Minimum wage is £6.31 per hour, so every pensioner would get £252.40 pw.


The Maximum UK Basic State Pension is £110.15 per week.


Your idea sounds pretty good to me. - I suspect there are many pensioners who would agree.


That's why I write to the UK MEPs via email on www,writetothem.org.uk


---------- Post added 22-06-2013 at 14:01 ----------


That's why I write to the UK MEPs via email on www,writetothem.org.uk


Why should we, comfortable, pensioners take even more out of the UK economy?


There are a few milion of us who were shrewd enough to invest tax-free in our pension portfolios. We weren't particularly earning more than others, it's just that we were better informed.

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I think pensioners should have £500 a year so we can all go on a cheap holiday to the sun,any how why not the politicians are milking us for everything they can.Most of us have worked 50 yrs to add to the economy so we should have more money,the uk pays its seniors less than other eu countries if i am to believe the press.

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But the minimum wage takes into account that working people pay for bus fares, prescriptions etc, that pensioners get discounts on things and generally don't have a mortgage to pay hence it would inevitably be more than pension. Working people generally have higher living costs.




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

In my opinion things like free bus passes etc just make people seem like second class citizens and these things should in no way be given in place of an awful state pension.

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I think pensioners should have £500 a year so we can all go on a cheap holiday to the sun,any how why not the politicians are milking us for everything they can.Most of us have worked 50 yrs to add to the economy so we should have more money,the uk pays its seniors less than other eu countries if i am to believe the press.


You can have whatever you want. - If you are prepared to pay for it.


Pensions in the UK are indeed very much lower than those in many other European countries, but then again, pension contributions in the UK are very much lower, too.

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You can have whatever you want. - If you are prepared to pay for it.


Pensions in the UK are indeed very much lower than those in many other European countries, but then again, pension contributions in the UK are very much lower, too.

would you want to pay more i would for a comfortable autumn.
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If the winter fuel allowance was added on to the pension, the better off would pay tax on it. Simpler than means testing? I think so.


The problem I can see with means testing pensioners is once again, those just over the limit for pension credit lose out. Those pensioners are being penalised for thrift and personal responsibility.


No wonder so many made no provision for retirement. If someone only has a basic state pension, and limited or no savings, they get their income made up by pension credit; council tax benefit; and housing benefit if they rent. On top of that is the cold weather payment; veterinary costs via the PDSA; dental costs.


All pensioners, regardless of income, get free prescriptions; free travel; winter fuel allowance. But lets face it, any pensioners (like Alan Sugar) on megabucks will be paying income tax at 40%; are unlikely to use their bus pass; and probably pay for private medical care.

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Yes I would have. (It's a bit late now) - Provided that I would have been paying for my own autumn, not paying for somebody elses and hoping that - at some time in the future - somebody would come along and pay for mine.


Given that the UK scheme (like that of too many other countries) is a Ponzi scheme, an increase in pension contributions now would 'allow' younger people (many of whom are having difficulty making ends meet) to pay for the existing pensioners.


Had the government 'cleaned up their act' about 60 years ago, taken on the funding of existing pensioners as a 'state liability' and required all workers to save into a fund for their own pensions (as opposed to requiring them to pay for their grandparents' pensions) we wouldn't be in such a dire situation.


As it is, younger people entering the workforce are going to have to save for their own pensions, pay for those of their parents/grandparents and support the people who don't work. - Or go elsewhere.

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I don't get pension credit because my partner who is younger than me still works fulltime.. I couldn't afford private pension contributions because although I worked full time, I was bringing up my two children without any help from my ex husband, their father.....Perhaps they should tighten up on chasing up proper contributions from absent fathers......

I DON'T get free dental care because I'm a pensioner. I pay the full whack. I personally can't even find a NHS dentist....

I don't use my bus pass much...I don't drive either but thankfully live very near the shops. I don't use it but would hate to lose it.

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yes I think pensioners should be means tested in regards to this, bus fares, tv license etc

some pensioners are better off than others, its unfair things are getting tighter or cut yet give people things they don't need


I have had private pensions from previous employers; why should those that dont plan and save for their retirement get all these freebies, and others not?

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