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Heating Allowance for All Pensioners.

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Yes I would have. (It's a bit late now) - Provided that I would have been paying for my own autumn, not paying for somebody elses and hoping that - at some time in the future - somebody would come along and pay for mine.


Given that the UK scheme (like that of too many other countries) is a Ponzi scheme, an increase in pension contributions now would 'allow' younger people (many of whom are having difficulty making ends meet) to pay for the existing pensioners.


Had the government 'cleaned up their act' about 60 years ago, taken on the funding of existing pensioners as a 'state liability' and required all workers to save into a fund for their own pensions (as opposed to requiring them to pay for their grandparents' pensions) we wouldn't be in such a dire situation.


As it is, younger people entering the workforce are going to have to save for their own pensions, pay for those of their parents/grandparents and support the people who don't work. - Or go elsewhere.

Where abouts in Bavaria are you Herr Behr, i know Bavaria is the richest state in Germany,I will be in Oehringen Next week in Baden Wurttenberg which I believe is the second richest state,in all my 20yrs of visiting I have never seen a poor pensioner and certainly none of my retired friends are poor.The Germans look after their seniors a site better than our government looks after us.
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I live in Oberau, just North of Garmisch-Partenkirchen close to the Austrian border.


Bayern is indeed the richest state in Germany (hardly surprising really. It has Mercedes, BMW, Germany's 'Silicon Valley', Siemens and a host of others - along with significant employment in agriculture, the food industry and tourism.


It also makes beer. :hihi:


The reason German pensioners are (usually quite a bit) better off than their UK counterparts is that they've been paying significantly more into their pension funds than have people in the UK - and the German government can't rob the pension fund to pay for their unfunded 'pet projects.'

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I live in Oberau, just North of Garmisch-Partenkirchen close to the Austrian border.


Bayern is indeed the richest state in Germany (hardly surprising really. It has Mercedes, BMW, Germany's 'Silicon Valley', Siemens and a host of others - along with significant employment in agriculture, the food industry and tourism.


It also makes beer. :hihi:


The reason German pensioners are (usually quite a bit) better off than their UK counterparts is that they've been paying significantly more into their pension funds than have people in the UK - and the German government can't rob the pension fund to pay for their unfunded 'pet projects.'


Quite so. We are living longer and we blaim the government for that! They have been telling us to take out personnal pension funds for years and they should, therefor, re-imburse al those people whose funds were lost.

I don't think many people understand that pension fund payments are TAX FREE. and when your fund matures you take 25% of it TAX FREE.

However, we are digressing from the topic. I have written to our MEP's with regard to the payment of heating allowance to us better-off pensioners.

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I live in Oberau, just North of Garmisch-Partenkirchen close to the Austrian border.


Bayern is indeed the richest state in Germany (hardly surprising really. It has Mercedes, BMW, Germany's 'Silicon Valley', Siemens and a host of others - along with significant employment in agriculture, the food industry and tourism.


It also makes beer. :hihi:


The reason German pensioners are (usually quite a bit) better off than their UK counterparts is that they've been paying significantly more into their pension funds than have people in the UK - and the German government can't rob the pension fund to pay for their unfunded 'pet projects.'

Dont want to seem nit picking but Mecedes are made in Unterturkheim and Cannstat both in Baden Wurttemberg as are Audi at Neckersulm which bring good jobs and properity to this area.My quote was tho that they appear to be better looked after than we do by the government.:)


---------- Post added 24-06-2013 at 11:42 ----------


Dont want to seem nit picking but Mecedes are made in Unterturkheim and Cannstat both in Baden Wurttemberg as are Audi at Neckersulm which bring good jobs and properity to this area.My quote was tho that they appear to be better looked after than we do by the government.:)
Sorry i forgot to say Mercs are Stuttgart,senior moment.
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since only countrys in the E.U, USA and a few other's get it our British pension to the likes of Canada and ozz is froze for ever twud seem u had to have been on the other side ,so to cut to the chase I couldn't care less.


---------- Post added 27-06-2013 at 14:12 ----------


of course they should about time, i know pensioners that dont even use the allowance for heating, they use it to buy christmas present,and wont put the heating on and sit in the cold.

now wait a mo are we talking expats overseas??:confused::confused:

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