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Heating Allowance for All Pensioners.

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yes I think pensioners should be means tested in regards to this, bus fares, tv license etc

some pensioners are better off than others, its unfair things are getting tighter or cut yet give people things they don't need


Some pensioners will have paid into a private pension during their working lives...should they be "punished" for being prudent..?

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I would like to know how much it costs to keep immigrants who have never added any benefits to this country in pensions and also what is the bill for keeping illegal immigrants is compared to our bill for Oaps.I bet i know which is the greater.

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Ex Pats To Lose There Heating Allowance Do You Think It Is Right They Should Lose IT :love:



Only in warm countries and yes I do.

You are assuming pensioners (ex pats) abroad are all wealthy.

What about those that live in warmer climates for health benefits?


I don't see any difference between ex pats and those living here.


You pay into a system through taxes and expect to get the benefits from those payments in old age.

Taking them away because of where you live is just wrong.

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