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Green welli brigade slaughtering wildlife.

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It seems as though they are at it! again.

The landed gentry inc the royal estates are destroying the eggs of raptors inc Buzzards who have only just escaped extinction in the last 25 years.


This is being done to protect the pheasant population all of which is bred in captivity so as they can be released and then shot by Rambo lookalikes dressed in green wellies and camouflage .


The pheasants in question do not even fly away unless they are chased by menials with dogs ,the well healed brigade then blast these birds out of the air and then leave them to who ever will be bothered to pick them up.


There is no evidence whatsoever that Buzzards or indeed any other birds take pheasants as they prefer rabbit and smaller food sources such as rats etc .


So it seems as though the very institutions that are supposed to protect our wildlife I.E.The estate owners are the one that are destroying it in the name of sport?????????????.


Oh dear, please don't let the truth get in the way of a post on Sheff Forum.


Any Raptor eggs that are destroyed will have had extensive work done on population numbers, then it will have to be sanctioned by the Government body in charge of such things.


Phesy's are reared to the chick stage by breeders who make a living by doing such work. When at this stage the "birds" will be purchased by the shoot and kept inside large heated and ventilated sheds, until they are at poult stage when they will be allowed out into a large pen to run about and get feathered up. When at this stage they are then taken into very large wire netting pens with a roof on to protect them from mainly Buzzards. At a later stage they are released into the wild, still getting fed so they stay close to the feeding station - until it is time for the shoot to take place.


As for the RAMBO types, these are usually the beaters with their dogs which will be used to flush the birds over the "guns" and then retrieve the shot birds.


As for leaving dead birds in heaps in fields, after close on 50 years in the shooting game, I have never ever seen one bird left behind, these birds are sold to Game Dealers to offset next years bills, food, gas, keepers wages and the like.

Why on earth would you leave birds(money) in the middle of a field.


I can assure any one Buzzards are bloody idle Raptors, they prefer to flop down onto carrion. So fat little phesy's trundling around are ideal food for Buzzards in the absence of dead food.

We have put birds into the woods with not a Buzzard in sight, and when returning with another load, we have found dead mutilated birds with Buzzards circling around.


The shooting game is worth millions to the economy.



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Oh dear, please don't let the truth get in the way of a post on Sheff Forum.


Any Raptor eggs that are destroyed will have had extensive work done on population numbers, then it will have to be sanctioned by the Government body in charge of such things.


Phesy's are reared to the chick stage by breeders who make a living by doing such work. When at this stage the "birds" will be purchased by the shoot and kept inside large heated and ventilated sheds, until they are at poult stage when they will be allowed out into a large pen to run about and get feathered up. When at this stage they are then taken into very large wire netting pens with a roof on to protect them from mainly Buzzards. At a later stage they are released into the wild, still getting fed so they stay close to the feeding station - until it is time for the shoot to take place.


As for the RAMBO types, these are usually the beaters with their dogs which will be used to flush the birds over the "guns" and then retrieve the shot birds.


As for leaving dead birds in heaps in fields, after close on 50 years in the shooting game, I have never ever seen one bird left behind, these birds are sold to Game Dealers to offset next years bills, food, gas, keepers wages and the like.

Why on earth would you leave birds(money) in the middle of a field.


I can assure any one Buzzards are bloody idle Raptors, they prefer to flop down onto carrion. So fat little phesy's trundling around are ideal food for Buzzards in the absence of dead food.

We have put birds into the woods with not a Buzzard in sight, and when returning with another load, we have found dead mutilated birds with Buzzards circling around.


The shooting game is worth millions to the economy.





Odd then that carrion is listed as an also where diet is concerned but never mind.

How many pheasants do you think they account for. Is it really such a problem to lose a few?

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Oh dear, please don't let the truth get in the way of a post on Sheff Forum.


Any Raptor eggs that are destroyed will have had extensive work done on population numbers, then it will have to be sanctioned by the Government body in charge of such things.


Phesy's are reared to the chick stage by breeders who make a living by doing such work. When at this stage the "birds" will be purchased by the shoot and kept inside large heated and ventilated sheds, until they are at poult stage when they will be allowed out into a large pen to run about and get feathered up. When at this stage they are then taken into very large wire netting pens with a roof on to protect them from mainly Buzzards. At a later stage they are released into the wild, still getting fed so they stay close to the feeding station - until it is time for the shoot to take place.


As for the RAMBO types, these are usually the beaters with their dogs which will be used to flush the birds over the "guns" and then retrieve the shot birds.


As for leaving dead birds in heaps in fields, after close on 50 years in the shooting game, I have never ever seen one bird left behind, these birds are sold to Game Dealers to offset next years bills, food, gas, keepers wages and the like.

Why on earth would you leave birds(money) in the middle of a field.


I can assure any one Buzzards are bloody idle Raptors, they prefer to flop down onto carrion. So fat little phesy's trundling around are ideal food for Buzzards in the absence of dead food.

We have put birds into the woods with not a Buzzard in sight, and when returning with another load, we have found dead mutilated birds with Buzzards circling around.


The shooting game is worth millions to the economy.



You carry on destroying wild life , Wild life that others have spent 50 years trying to re introduce into the Country side after being decimated by the Country Sports brigade who until a public out cry shot every bloody thing that moved inc the idle Buzzards, Red Kites, Peregrines,Golden Eagles,Fox, Deer, and any other flying, running or swimming animal or bird .


After a hundred years in which many species have been shot into extinction

these so called sportsmen bring in the daftest ,slowest dozyist , bird known to man the Pheasant so as they can carry on popping of to satisfy there hunting instinct and then they pat the menials on the head and toss them half a crown.


Worth millions to the economy so is smoking but we are trying to stop that silly habit aren't we.

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