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As a wednesday fan i could'nt careless...

but as a football fan, i would like to see him take utd to the prem: as i think he has put some hard work and sweat into utd and made a good team, i dont think you can always blame mr w for the blades not making it year after year, as we (wednesady) will find out, this champ, league is gonna be a tuff season for us...

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I too would honestly like to see united in the premiership, they have a good team and it would be good for sheffield. But it's been proved season after season that Colin simply isn't up for the job, surely its time he stepped aside and let somebody who is capable of leading them to the premiership do take over. How many attempts does he need?

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He's only had 3 realistic stabs at the premiership in his career, and was beaten to the premiership by teams with arguably better players and more money, so I think the 'Warnock not up to it' argument is a little unfair.

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Colin is simply not capable of taking a team to the premiership, he hasn't got the bottle to do it. I think united will get there once they ship him to some1 else, until then we've at least got a few derbys to look forward to!

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Originally posted by Agent ****

He's only had 3 realistic stabs at the premiership in his career, and was beaten to the premiership by teams with arguably better players and more money, so I think the 'Warnock not up to it' argument is a little unfair.


this is arguably the best post regarding this ever,


Originally posted by amamshebab

Colin is simply not capable of taking a team to the premiership, he hasn't got the bottle to do it. I think united will get there once they ship him to some1 else, until then we've at least got a few derbys to look forward to!


how can you say he does not have the "bottle" to take a team to the prem,

you seem to know so much about managing a team and expectations, and where people have gone wrong etc, im really surprised your not the england manager


so amamshebab, if we got rid of "colin" who would you say should take over from him?


with the money "colin" has had available to him, can you tell me a manager who would have got us to where we stand today?


your just another fickle wednesday fan

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Wait up a second, chill out my man. I am not just a "fickle wednesday fan", no more than you may be a "bitter united fan". I fully accept that United have a far better team, and a far more professionally run club than we do at the moment, all except for in one area.


It is not that difficult for a manager to get to 8th place year in year out, most managers seem to be able to cope with that, its making that final push that makes all the difference, and "colin" (you seem to like your inverted commers) has never been able to do it, the facts speak for themselves, how many more chances does he need?


There are many managers who could have taken you that final step that our lovely neil simply isnt capable of. George Burley, Brian Little, Peter Taylor, Billy Davies, surely one of these could have been tempted away from their clubs for the lure of a club constantly falling just short of the premier league? Especially one as grand as the great sheffield united? If you finally manage to axe the man surely you can do it, you can't keep a manager just because he's a fan of the club (chris turner!).


Good luck in the derbys next year, hopefully your "colin" won't bottle it.



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