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i hate the fact that now we have some taller forwards we insist on playing that way mark- its sooo frustrating- jags has gone off the boil im afraid- id slam quinny or flitcroft in there and see if they can play some better pasing football!

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Looking at last season we had a poor Feb & a poor start to March,so let's hope we have a better March this season.Wigan lost in total 9 last season in the Championship & Sunderland 10,I think this season could be a highest points ever for the Championship.I for one do not like us playing the long ball we play much better when the ball is passed on the ground.I have seen Liverpool do the long ball when Crouch is in the team,why do so many managers think that tall players have 2 left feet.Deane was great in his prime with the ball at his feet as well as the long ball smacked up front for him.I just hope we play the way we did up to xmas 05 if we do I can see us gaining promotion.UP THE MIGHTIER BLADES

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Oh my God! I thought at half time we were going to dominate them second half but what happened!?


All this time I have been trying hard to ease off Ifill and wait to see what he can do but now I have had enough. he was Awful, in fact he was QPR's best player!

people will be wondering why Warnock did not sub him I can tell you why. This comes from the coast (Mick Jones) who my mate lives next door too. He says warnock kept him on purley to **** the crowd off. He was obviously getting boos so Warnock kept him on.


I just can't understand how he is getting a start every game. And Akinbiyi, I have been keeping quiet hoping he is going to be awsome but I can't see it. He scored but apart from that he looks *****. Apart form the Wednesday game I haven't seen him have a good game!


We are really going to struggle unless warnock makes some changes eg. Akinbiyi and Awful!


do you watch the same games as me mark??? i really wonder sometimes.


akinbiyi was a major plus for us on sat, he never stopped running.


also i can think of a more valid reason awful was not taken off, ie having nobody to replace him..... who would have you put there??? there was nobody to go right mid.


also it must be said about kozluk scott..... yes he had a good defensive game, but yet again im sick of him giving so much possession away, the guys passing is quite frankly ****. and when he doesnt pass he hoofs it forward. id much prefer geary at the back

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FAO Horsefield doubters!!!...........................


I can remember a few weeks ago, a few people on the SF, saying how Akinbiyi would be a bad buy and fire blanks, But Am I right in saying he's started to get into the run of things and Fire goals away, I think so..........

Ok, Horsefield has started a bit shakey, but it was his first full game in a United shirt and every player needs a little run out, go get used to a team's style of play in Match conditions, Once again I reckon Horsefield is gonna shut all you doubters up and produce some serious football!


If there is anybody who we should be focussing on, It's that ****** Ifill, I follow United week in / Week out, home and away!, And yet I can't seem to grasp why a player who has shown in brief moments that he has so much class!, can't come to apply this every game for a full 90 mins, The "he was injured last season" excuse is running thin, If he's not fit, He shouldn't be on the fu**ing pitch Mr Warnock!............I would much rather you do some switching around, drop Ifill and bring Gillespie in, make Ifill complete to get bk into the first team, because I reckon a big part to Ifill firing blanks, Is that Warnock is up his arse, and he knows he's unlikely to get dropped!



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FAO Horsefield doubters!!!...........................


I can remember a few weeks ago, a few people on the SF, saying how Akinbiyi would be a bad buy and fire blanks, But Am I right in saying he's started to get into the run of things and Fire goals away, I think so..........

Ok, Horsefield has started a bit shakey, but it was his first full game in a United shirt and every player needs a little run out, go get used to a team's style of play in Match conditions, Once again I reckon Horsefield is gonna shut all you doubters up and produce some serious football!


If there is anybody who we should be focussing on, It's that ****** Ifill, I follow United week in / Week out, home and away!, And yet I can't seem to grasp why a player who has shown in brief moments that he has so much class!, can't come to apply this every game for a full 90 mins, The "he was injured last season" excuse is running thin, If he's not fit, He shouldn't be on the fu**ing pitch Mr Warnock!............I would much rather you do some switching around, drop Ifill and bring Gillespie in, make Ifill complete to get bk into the first team, because I reckon a big part to Ifill firing blanks, Is that Warnock is up his arse, and he knows he's unlikely to get dropped!




Ifill is a fu*king waste of space at the moment and needs to get his head out of his arse!

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I cannot understand why a player like Iffill was wanted by so many last season has failed to live up to his billing,I understand he had a bad ankle injury & I know first hand what it is like to have leg problems & it is simular to Owen when he was at Liverpool & him having all his hamstring problems & he went to see a sports physicologist, as it wasn't the pain that was the problem but he was scared about getting another bad injury,this can cause all sort's of mental problems worrying about getting injured when the player has been out for month's.Owen was not getting into the same places or tackles he was getting into before his bad injury.So my meaning is, if Iffill is suffering from the same problem of worrying about another bad injury I can understand why he plays great one game & against physical teams he seems to back down from runs & tackles & get's rid of the ball to quickly,I have not seen him play live only on TV so I would be grateful from my fellow Blades who watch him regular is monitor his games & watch him for pulling out of tackles & getting rid of the ball.UP THE MIGHTIER BLADES

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here's a novel idea for blades fans- instead of discussing how to slag off (ifill, no no- horsefield, no- collins) - why don't we all get BEHIND them??? EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!!


Booing them isn't going to help them at all!!!

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Totally agree,booing your own players leaves a negative effect all through the team,I was not slagging of any of our players,but there must be some underlying problem with Iffill,playing well one game & not so well for 2 or 3.It could be a problem with his past injurys like I said before & that prays on the mind.I think Warnock should have a word with him,he keeps saying it's a confidence thing,well worrying about getting injured can cause a deep confidence problem.Look at past players when they have had bad injurys,like Shearer when he had his cruciate ligament damage he was timid going into the tackle for about 6 or 7 games & he admit he was worried about getting a bad injury again,it is forced to play on the mind,after all players are human as well.UP THE MIGHTIER BLADES. PS:The game scheduled for the 15th April against Cardiff will be played on Good Friday 14th & will be on sky sports.

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