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Blades chat 2- discuss the games/news here

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Nah i don't come on here to start owt, i was just looking at it from the point of view that surely the less teams competing for that place the better from a Blades point of view. Palace could potentially be a threat as their run in is probably the easiest of the lot. Apart from Watford and United they've got 5 teams in the bottom half with really nothing to play for (apart from Crewe).


After seeing all 4 teams at Hillsborough the only team that gave us a battering were United (i'm sure most Wednesday fans would agree :( ). Leeds we beat, Watford spawned an equalizer in the last 5 mins and should have had their keeper sent off and Palace just ground out a boring 0-0. Can't help getting drawn into what United are doing seeing as 90% of my mates are Blades :help: and this wobble is giving me a very small bit of ammo to use against em which is soon countered by our lowly position!


Oh and looks like what i jokingly said about Warnock sticking the rods up seems to have come true :roll:

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at what point was we relying on other results? we still had the points advantage over l**ds


We've been relying on the teams below us slipping up for weeks now. Due to our own bad form recently, and the gap slowly being eaten away, if the teams below had kept winning instead of the odd convenient (for us) draw or defeat, then we would be below them by now. We are only 'not relying on' the teams below us doing badly when we are so far clear that we can't be caught. And lately, that ain't happening.


All that needs to happen is for L**ds or Watford to win two more matches than us and we dip out, so every time we drop 2 or 3 points from now on we will all be depending on those two to drop points as well.


Who amongst us wasn't wishing for a Palace win last night - not because we hate L**ds, but because we didn't want the gap closing to 1 point. Palace did that for us .... not us.

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L***s are on a wobble themselves 2 points out of a possible 9 & only ours are worse,but after Southampton,Stoke & Hull we will be out of sight.UP THE MIGHTIER BLADES

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L***s are on a wobble themselves 2 points out of a possible 9 & only ours are worse,.........


True Tosh, but the last thing we want is to be hoping their wobble lasts longer than our wobble over the next 7 games.


"We won, so it doesn't matter what THEY did." sounds (and feels) a lot better than, "Bugger, we lost again, so please let THEM lose as well."

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the game between the two in April is now vital - hopefully Leeds will have put it to bed by then :)


I'd love for 'nearly' to miss out again



I'm sure you would,just like you'd have loved to do the double over us.

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Totally agree saxon51,I hope we win all our remaining matches,but I will be happy with 4 wins & a couple of draws.I am remaining positive as last week we played much like the earlier in the season with flair.& can I ask a stupid question your name saxon is nothing to do with the rock band Saxon is it.Tosh

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We've been relying on the teams below us slipping up for weeks now. Due to our own bad form recently, and the gap slowly being eaten away, if the teams below had kept winning instead of the odd convenient (for us) draw or defeat, then we would be below them by now. We are only 'not relying on' the teams below us doing badly when we are so far clear that we can't be caught. And lately, that ain't happening.

what i was saying is though, that at no point have we been relying on other results to go our way in terms of, other teams would have been able to go above us if they won there games in hand.


it has helped a hell of a lot yes, because we have been poor lately

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Poor is an understatement when you look how we've performed the rest of the season.


Hopefully Saturday it will all come together again - seems like an age since a game at the Lane.


Looks like someones dropped a huge knacker with the Horse - we don't want him and West Brom don't want him back. Would be nice to know the full story behind it as it's looking like it's going to cost us over a million for a player who won't play for us again :suspect:

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No we haven't Robbie,but's it's amazing Blackwell spouting of & the guy at Watford ,now we have the lunchpack of notre dame Dowie doing the same,I know it's all about passion for there own clubs,but I just wish they would shut up & get on with managing their own clubs instead of interfering & slagging off,Worthington is a girl & deserves a slap not the 2 fingers Warnock gave him,it really get's me that he never saw Warnock do it,he saw it on TV so he must have had his back turned like Warnock said,anyway his club is staying in the Championship.UP THE MIGHTIER BLADES

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